One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1386: Follow me on the red carpet

Chapter 1386 goes with me on the red carpet

He especially dislikes her.

At first, he did not recognize her profession.

It is not that he is prejudiced against the people born in the entertainment circle, but that he believes that as a man, it is a duty and a duty to raise his wife.

The financial resources in his hands are not exaggerated to say that there are no problems with raising one thousand 10,000 or even one million.

He thinks she doesn't need to work.

But she said at the beginning that if he raised her, she felt like a canary, trapped in a cage, without freedom.

She wants to work, economic independence, at least, the money she earns can support herself.

He respected her and silently opened the way for her.

However, if it is for work, it is necessary to sacrifice this step.


He only hopes that her beauty and all the good things she has are exclusive to him, and no one is allowed to marry her beauty.

Yun Shishi twisted her eyebrows, and some dissatisfied him to evaluate her work.

For her, when she entered the entertainment industry, she was completely wrong. When she was in the media department at university, her dream was to become a good actor.

She likes to perform, not because she likes the scenery, but likes literature and art.

I like to challenge any challenging character.

Whenever her performance is recognized, she will feel the sense of accomplishment.

For the children's problems, Yun Shishi is not what Mu Yazhe thought.

They are not officially married yet. Is it too early to talk about children?

Moreover, she already has two Mengbao, and there are Yuyou and Xiaoyuchen. She dare not take risks. If she wants another child, will Yuyou reject it?

Will Xiaochenchen be rejected?

At that time, if you can't accept the arrival of a new life, what should you do?

Not to mention these two little guys, Rao is herself, not ready.

So, Yun Shishi held his face and spoiled: "Now I don't talk about this question first, is it good? I am not ready yet. Moreover, I am not your wife in name, why give you a baby? ?!"

Mu Yazhe's gaze was slight, and she immediately surrounded her waist. She couldn't help but say: "You will be the wife of my acclaimed! This question does not need you to consider!"

"You want to marry me, I don't want to be happy!"

The poetry of the cloud is cold, and some little arrogant.

Mu Yazhe picked up the scorpion in some danger: "What? When my wife, you don't want to?"

Yun Shishi lifted the glory of the jade, and then smiled gracefully. "Look at your sincerity!"

When the voice fell, she pushed him away, stood up, turned around with the skirt and walked to the floor mirror.

The most beautiful design of this dress is the half of the skirt, with a skirt-style design, black organza, landing and very beautiful.

She looked into the mirror, slightly posing a shape, proud and confident appearance, the cloud poetry at the moment is absolutely the most beautiful.

In fact, one thing, she did not say so.

One of the reasons why she wants to be an actor is because of her

He is such a good man.

Before becoming his wife, she wants to be better and become a person who is worthy of him.

The poems of Yun Shi looked into the mirror, slightly raising the lower jaw, and the lips and corners outlined a gorgeous arc.

Behind him, Suddenly came a faint voice.

"Tonight, walk with me on the red carpet."


Yun Shi poetry reacted violently, turned suddenly, and looked at him with some surprise.

Scared to death, the background has just been ventilated, the technical department just repaired! I thought that I couldn’t keep my whole job...

(End of this chapter)

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