One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1409: Can you be resistant to this?

Chapter 1409, can you be resistant to this?

Mu Yazhe grabbed her waist: "Get off the bus!"

At this time, the body of Yun Shishi was slightly soft, and it was only the wraparound/small kiss that she almost suffocated!

Therefore, when he grabbed her waist, she quickly noticed the strangeness of her body, looking at her skin in his arms, Mu Yazhe slightly raised his eyebrows, a few points in his eyes With playfulness.

"Why, can't you walk?"

The contour of his lips, how to look at how to play, the bad taste.

Yun Shishi’s heart could not help but be annoyed. At the same time, he hated the man’s bad smile. He gave him a sigh of relief and was embarrassed.

She grabbed his sleeve and groaned intermittently: "That... I... my legs are a little numb!"

Mu Yazhe slightly smacked her lips, but her eyes were swaying with a hint of unpredictable flames, falling on her face, so that Yun Shishi was more and more embarrassed by his deep eyes.

This man!


This man is so bad!

She is so embarrassed, not all the culprit is him?

Mu Yazhe casually admired her "embarrassment", did not pull her, did not hold her, so she watched as she slowly walked down from the car, but it was a long arm She pulled into her arms.

Can not help but kiss her earlobe, his heart more and more eager to want her, but still hard to endure, so that the voice, there is a trace of unusual repression and embarrassment.

"Small things, you can do this, huh?"


Yun Shishi was more upset and shook his hand to his chest.

Mu Yazhe also did not bother to avoid, let her take a punch, for him, the strength of this little guy's fist is really insignificant, just like scratching.

As soon as his long arm extended, he held her firmly and forcefully, and the right arm was a little harder, and she took her whole person in her arms.

Compared to his one-eighth-eighth body, she seems too petite, and with her body thin, one hand is holding her, like holding a large rag doll, and she has not seen him. There was a ruthless look, so it was easy to hold her back.

He was held by him, but he felt like a child. Yun Shi’s face was fascinating, looking up at him, but he could only see his handsome face, At the same time, the arrogance of deep bones.

The strength of this man has reached the point of horror. Although she is thin, but she also has forty-eight kilograms, he can hold her up firmly with one arm, which is really shocking!

When Mu Yazhe hugged her into the hotel in such a strange way, several waiters in the lobby were all horrified, staring at them, and horrified, but also could not help but sigh the man's overwhelming arm.

While some female employees are amazed, they are even more envious.

Yun Shishi may not know it.

However, when others would look down on Mu Yazhe and look down at her, the eyes of those pets look in the eyes, just look at them and feel that the heart is melting!

They looked at this scene for a moment without a moment. The men were beautiful and undressed, the clothes were well-dressed, the women were petite and delicate, and the delicate appearances revealed the classical beauty of the East.

Two people are in the same box, how do you think it feels right?

(End of this chapter)

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