One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1416: What do you like, I can learn

Chapter 1416 What do you like, I can learn

"Let me stay here tonight? Let me wait for you! You can rest assured that I will serve you comfortably and satisfied!"

As he said, Lin Zhi actually took the initiative to kneel in front of him and reached out and tried to touch him.

Mu Yazhe Yu Guangyi, the profit is backward, and there is a big meaning for her to avoid it!

Lin Zhi was annoyed at the time.

How she forgot, Mu Yazhe should like the style of introverted and shy like Yun Shishi!

She had forgotten it for a moment, so that she showed her nature and was eager to pounce on him.

He doesn't like her like this!

So, Lin Zhi smiled and asked: "What do you like, I can learn?"

Mu Yazhe has no expression.

Lin Zhi then said: "If you like Yun Shishi, I can become her!"

"What is your purpose, you can say straight, no more than cover up."

Mu Yazhe interrupted her patiently.

Lin Zhi’s eyes widened, but he listened to his cold and clear tone like snow. “What purpose, just say, when you finish, you will roll.”

He can stare at her and kick her out.

But I don't know why, when she saw her face, he was sick and didn't want to touch her with one finger.

He can see very clearly that Lin Zhi is weak and weak, like Lin Yuyu's general shy and introverted emphasis, who is deliberately learning!

However, some people's temperament is very unique, placed on their own body, natural and natural, people can not help but want to care, love.

However, this temperament allows others to learn, but it only seems suspicious, and it is particularly disgusting.

There is an aura in the poetry of Yun Shi, but this aura is not learned by learning.

The most difficult thing to learn in a person is temperament.

Lin Zhi could not help but feel embarrassed, never fell into such a dilemma.

In the past, when she was sent to the door, the gold lords saw her. It was like a hungry wolf who saw the prey. He couldn’t wait for the wickedness to fall down on the bed, and he couldn’t swallow it!

And when he got here, how did he touch a gray nose!

After eating the closed door, he said that he was cheeky into the room, but he rushed away!

It really called her unwilling.

Lin Zhi was not able to succumb, and blink of an eye, the tears of the big bean and the clear spirit suddenly fell from the eyelids, slipped off the cheeks, and the ticking fell on the expensive carpet under the feet!

"Why? Why can't I?"

Lin Zhi suddenly refused to ask the geological question, raised the voice, and scorned him with tears, but it was very pitiful.

"Why am I not as good as her?"

Lin Zhi raised her voice more and more: "I can serve you very well! At the same time, I will be very obedient, you say one, I will never say two!"

The voice did not fall, and suddenly the voice of Yun Shishi was shocked in the bath room: "Mu Yazhe...?"

Mu Yazhe turned his head sharply, but he heard the voice of Yun Shi’s poem: "Who is in the living room?"

Yun Shishi was lying in the bath and sipping a bath!

He was tossed by his exhaustion. Throughout his body, he was bitten by a bad man, like a poisonous insect bite.

The shower in the bath room was still working constantly, so at first she could not hear the movement outside the door.

Until Lin Zhi’s crying complaints, she was alarmed.

She was shocked that there were other people outside the door.

This voice sounds so familiar, but her brain is slow to respond at a time, can't remember who it is!

(End of this chapter)

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