One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1418: Finally, there is a sense of crisis!

Chapter 1418 finally has a sense of crisis!

In desperation, Lin Zhi can only clean up himself and wipe his tears, so he rushes back to the government!

Such a farce will only end.

Yun Shishi twisted her eyebrows and apparently her face was somewhat unpleasant.

Is there a woman who sent it to the door and asked for his favor?

How these women, he will see him like the hegemon of the ancient times!

The key is that this woman turned out to be Lin Zhi, a woman who is extremely disgusting!

Yun Shishi is as disgusting as swallowing a fly, like squatting in the throat, suddenly feels that the body is not comfortable!

Even though Mu Yazhe did not make any substantive moves, the behavior of Lin Zhi did not mean to find her uncomfortable!

Let her see it, and it’s completely disgusting!

Yun Shi poems licking his chest, obviously not very angry.

It’s not the qi of Yazhe’s enthusiasm, but the deep sorrow of Lin Zhi’s sorrow!

This is the one that made her bump.

Then, when she is not there, is there such a thing happening constantly?

When I think of his side, there are hidden dangerous dangers. When I think of so many women, he is like a god, chasing, and favoring, her possessiveness is extremely shameful!

She feels dirty.

There was a precious carpet in the entrance hall, which was so stunned by Lin Zhi. She suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She thought of how Lin Zhifang was a disgusting appearance. She was there, she couldn’t stand it anymore, walked over, childishly. The disgusting throw the carpet outside the door.

Mu Yazhe looked at her childish and childish behavior, but she lost her voice and reached out and held her in her arms.

But she noticed her incomparably stiff body.

I know that she was shackled, even a little jealous, but he still feels funny, knowingly ask: "What?"


Yun Shishi seems to be a little polite to give a cold response.

Mu Yazhe smiled faintly.

He was a bit fortunate that Lin Zhi was so tossed tonight that he was able to see him. This woman is very cute when she tastes it!

It was the first time I saw her being so jealous, the appearance of the temper, the hands and the clothes, the suffocation of a stranger, especially the lovely face, the delicate mouth slightly pouted. He couldn't help but want a kiss!

And he did the same!

He slammed her jaw down, grabbed it and kissed her lips.

Yun Shishi has pushed him away with some annoyance. Some unhappy geology asked him: "Does this happen often?"


Compared with her inexplicable anxiety, he seems to be very patient, responding slowly and casually.

Yun Shishi is increasingly unhappy: "I used to have a woman like her, come to the door?"

Her "her" in her mouth means that Lin Zhi is natural!

She is skeptical, is there a lot of woman who is so speculative like Lin Zhi, staring at him!

Those women are still like Jiang Zhiqing, who went to the door and asked him to be lucky! ?

Nowadays it is clearly a civilized society in the 21st century. However, what happened to these ancient ancient society is now true and true. It happened to her side, how ridiculous!

There are women who trample themselves!

Her skeptical attitude, he is happy to see it!

Is this stupid woman finally feeling a sense of crisis?

(End of this chapter)

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