Chapter 1474, Distressed and Blessed

After a pause, Yuan teacher explained sincerely: "All said that the school is a place to teach and educate people! In the process of education, as a teacher, as a teacher, it is indeed necessary to bear the responsibility of educating children! But this responsibility, but Responsibility, as a parent, should also be taken up. Children in school, all seasons, two semesters, seven hours a day, the rest of the time, are with parents! In education, parents also have the responsibility of not to be resigned! However, you also know that the current children are not expensive. The teachers are very strict in education. Those parents who love **** must not break the school threshold! Especially the parents of Lin Feng, especially the drill, can’t I don’t know how to educate! I can only do my part! But I’m particularly fond of this in this respect! You are very young, but very mature and sensible, in class, well-behaved Obedient, respect the teacher, I especially like it! So, as a teacher, I can only hope this aspect, don’t let the child suffer too much, and don’t want you to offend the Lin family. Maybe I would say snob, but this society, this reality is so cruel hath, and I really can not! I was good to You You! "

This long story, listening to sincerity and heart, but Mu Yazhe feels too ridiculous, too crowned!

For such reasons, there is no single position.

You You is also a face of indifference, from beginning to end, silent, no words, watching Yuan teacher patiently persuaded, but it is ridiculous.

Do you know why he works so hard?

He has worked so hard to stay away from these stupid fork guys.

Youyou flattened his mouth, but he was not pleased: "Mr. Yuan, I don't like to hear you! What can't be offended?"

"Youyou! How are you... not obedient?"

Teacher Yuan was crying, and gave him a helpless look.

With a sigh, she turned her head and said to Mu Yazhe: "You You has always been against Lin Feng. If this matter is resolved peacefully, I will see if I can separate Yu You from Lin Feng. Ok! Anyway, I think that the child is so likable, no matter which class you are assigned to, the children are willing to play with him! Just this Lin Feng can only be said to be an accident!"


Mu Yazhe’s lips twitched coldly: “I don’t think it’s necessary to work in a class!”

When the matter of today is over, he will transfer the processing to Youyou and go to a school with Xiao Yuchen.

The reason why Youyou read this elementary school is because of the school district's sake. Because of the problem of Yuyou's household registration, he went to the elementary school when he was in elementary school.

Unexpectedly, the teaching and learning of this school is so bad.

Just transferred to a primary school with Xiao Yuchen, the two brothers to be a companion, take care of each other.

Compared to You You, Xiao Yuchen is a mountain king in school. Perhaps it is because he is handsome and handsome, the girl likes him, and because he is physically strong, the boys in the school are also serving him. Willing to be his fan.

The school where Xiao Yuchen was enthroned was funded by the education group of Mu's cooperation. In the education of teachers, Mu has also invested a large sum of money and the education level is excellent.

Coupled with Xiao Yuchen's care, you don't have to worry about being bullied!

"What do you mean by this?"

Don't worry, there are 8 more today, 8 more, and 8 more.

(End of this chapter)

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