Chapter 1497 pleading in the rain (4)

Although she did not believe it, Lin Anguo’s worried expression, Wang Guizhen was deeply aware of the terrible situation!

Lin Anguo said that Mu Jia has secretly mastered some of his tainted crimes. If he does not take any action, he begged for the high hand of his family. Maybe he is waiting for the Lin family and the Wang family. It is a dead end!

In recent years, Lin Anguo’s actions outside, Wang Guizhen also knows a little!

She is savvy, if these crimes are mastered, it is nothing more than being shackled by the roots!

So, at this moment, she couldn't take care of her face, and at the moment, under the direction of Lin Anguo's eyes, she began to desperately hoe!

"Youyou! Auntie is wrong! Auntie is really wrong... Auntie shouldn’t marry you, aunts shouldn’t listen to those gossips, humiliate you and your mother... Aunt really knows wrong, forgive Auntie. ?!"

When she finished, she began to swear her head.

It is really in the gimmick.

The forehead slammed into the ground, so that the force was too strong, smashed the blood skin, but she was deliberately so, deliberately want to pretend, do it for him!

Nothing to break the skin!

I can ask for the mercy of my family, break the skin, and shed blood, why not! ?

Youyou yawned, and then lazily said: "Okay! I know, forgive you!"

Lin Anguo heard the words, and suddenly he was overjoyed, "Really!?"

Wang Guizhen was surprised and surprised. He raised his head, widened his eyes, and broke into a smile. He was a wolverine and a cloaked hair, giving a very disgusting disgust.

Youyou didn't want to look at her more.

"Why should I care about people who are not literate. So, now, you can disappear in front of my eyes!"


Lin Anguo was pleasantly surprised to see Wang Guizhen, but he did not expect to be so easy to understand!

Have to say that the child is really good to lie!

A little bit of bitterness, it will be soft.

Lin Anguo smashed his hand and smiled, tentatively: "That... that stain evidence..."

"What evidence?" Youyou raised his eyebrows in confusion and wondered.

"This is the case, Mu is always him... Can you ask for help for me, let Mu uplift your hands, let me go! Don't... don't hand over those things to the disciplinary/inspection/committee..."

Youyou feels inexplicable: "I don't know what you are talking about! It's so cold outside, I have to go home!"

"and many more!"

Lin Anguo is like a drowning man, screaming and screaming at him, and asks: "Youyou, are you not forgiving your uncle?"

"Well, yes."

"That... can you please let your father let me go?"

" doesn't seem to work."


Youyou’s lips twitched black, “I’m so sad, I hate you.”

Lin Anguo Petrochemical lived.

Wang Guifei around him was also very sad, and the smile on his face solidified for a moment, and the despair in his eyes swept like a wave.

Youyou slowly said: "I can't control the decision I made. I am sorry, Uncle Lin."

After that, he smiled as if he was a gentleman, and turned back to the villa.

The sound of the door "砰" completely insulted Lin Anguo and Wang Guifei's pleading.

That night, it was raining heavily.

Lin Anguo and Wang Guizhen did not dare to leave, insisted on kneeling at the door, and kept walking for a whole night.

Youyou did not pay attention to them.

Mu Yazhe naturally does not care.

(End of this chapter)

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