Chapter 1499 High-profile class (1)

He looked at the little sugary man who had licked his mouth and turned around with grievances. He said: "Hey, why are you standing behind me, very scary?!"

"I didn't mean it. Who knows how bold you are?" Mu Yazhe was innocent. "You see, the birthday cake you made, the three guys you guys are so cute, the fierce I painted. I protest!"

"The protest is invalid!"

Youyou held up the little sugar man in his hand and looked around. He compared it with the real person and expressed his opinion: "It's very similar."

Mu Yazhe: "..."

"Whoever makes you usually, likes to face!"

Yuyou immediately fell on the mouth of the little sugar man, and he smiled: "Hello, you are pitiful, your mouth is smashed!"

"Everyone blame you!"

Mu Yazhe blamed.

Youyou retorted: "Whoever let you in, don't say anything, stand behind me and scare me! Otherwise, I won't miss it!"

Mu Yazhe smiled and embraced him from behind. He squatted on the shoulder of the small milk bag and looked at his hand covered with icing sugar. He smiled slightly: "Is this your birthday gift to Mommy?"


Yuyou fixed the cute and cute character of "Mu Yazhe" on the cake body, and then continued the final treatment. While continuing his movements, he asked: "Hey, I can't make a cake!"

Mu Yazhe seriously thought about it, and immediately gave an evaluation: "It's OK."

"What is OK?!" Youyou refused to protest. "I feel great!"

"Can you eat the little sugar on the cake?"

"In addition to Mommy and me, you can eat whatever else!" Youyou said.

Mu Yazhe twisted his eyebrows, but pretended to tease him: "Why can you only eat me and Xiao Yuchen, you can't eat with Mommy?"

"Hey! Because Mommy's cutest, no one can eat!"

After completing the last process, looking at the finished product, Youyou is enchanted by his exquisite craftsmanship.

"Beautiful cake! I did it myself, Mommy would love it!"

After that, Yuyou turned and hooked the shoulders of Mu Yazhe: "When are we going to the crew to explore the class?!"

"When Xiao Xiaochen is out of school, we will go to the crew to explore the class."

"Long live!"

Youyou rejoiced, "I can finally see my mommy! I thought she was insomnia last night! Mommy must have forgotten that today is my birthday, I must give her a birthday surprise from the sky!"

Mu Yazhe scraped his nose, "Good!"

Xiao Yuchen came back from school at three o'clock, and saw that Youyou was placed in the kitchen to make the finished cake!

He scraped together and looked at it for a long time, and his saliva was about to flow out!

Turning around, he like a happy bird, rushing to Yuyou.

"Youyou, is that birthday cake that you made to Mommy yourself?"

"Well! I did it!"

You are very proud.

Xiao Yuchen’s mouth was too bad, and he was wrapped around him and asked, “When is the time to visit the class?”

Yesterday evening, the father and son discussed three things. On the birthday day, we must go to the crew to explore the class, and descend from the sky to give a surprise to Yun Shishi.

Two small milk bags are looking forward to today's birthday, and they are too excited to sleep well in one night.

Xiao Yuchen specially made a hand-made gift, which was displayed mysteriously to Youyou.

(End of this chapter)

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