One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1704: Palace Mu two confrontation (2)

Chapter 1704, Palace Mu two confrontation (2)

Miyazaki and Mujazhe are almost in sync, and the two men are unanimous.

The voice just fell, the two men looked at each other, but the palace was inexplicably hostile.

He subconsciously pulled the poetry of the cloud to one side, and looked at Mujac with a look of disappointment. His eyes were deep anger, pointing to Mu Linfeng and Mu Shumin. "What is this?!"

He thought that this wedding was a blessing from everyone!

Suddenly jumped out so two people to gesticulate, Miyazaki looked at the middle-aged man and woman standing in front of them, with their words, keenly aware of their identity!

It should be a person of Mujia!

But when they appear from one, they are aggressive, and even humiliating his sister is a wild woman! ?

This words are clearly falling into his ears!

What is a wild woman?

When the palace heard it, there was nowhere to vent, and her hand was held tightly. Every joint was tight and stiff.

Yun Shishi was shocked by the anger of Gong Yi, she could not help but reach out, just caress / comforted the shoulders of Gong Yi, but saw him staring at Mu Yazhe, and then sternly asked: "Dare to say that my sister is coming. Unknown wild woman!? Who gave them the courage?!"

Mu Linfeng heard the words, but it is inexplicably angry!

Where did this unknown child emerge from? !

I dare to speak like this.

What is "Who is giving them the courage"? !

This man is talking, it’s a really mad tone!

He knows who he is, who is it?

If you know, he will feel great regrets!


It seems that this kid is a typical young man, and it is estimated that he is not the person who is currently colliding.

Mu Lin was so speechless that Mu Shumin stood by, but it was ridiculously ironic: "Who is this arrogant boy! Look at this aspect, it seems that this is the younger brother of this wild woman! To be a sister It’s shameless, thinking about climbing dragons and being a younger brother, it’s also shameless to want to climb the relationship with your sister through the sister’s relationship, and want to step into the clouds!?”

"shut up!"

Mu Yazhe was so light and shouted Mu Shumin.

Mu Shumin was so angry that her face twitched: "Yage! Who do you shut up!"

"I want you to shut up!"

Mu Yazhe is full of fire,

He stared at the waist of the palace, and lived coldly and coldly: "Let her go!"

"She is my sister, I naturally want to protect her! In the past, she was bullied, that is, I am not here, now, I will not let anyone humiliate her!"

Miyazaki said, but let go.

He suddenly regretted it a bit.

This is just an engagement. He just watched his sister insulted and watched this situation. This situation is not once or twice.

Miyazaki can't imagine how much grievances her sister should have suffered when he was away!

What does this mean?

This shows that this man can't protect his sister at all.

This shows that he does not have this ability! So how can he be assured that he will give his sister to this man! ?

So, there are no reasons to convince yourself.

As soon as I thought of it, Miyazaki became more and more behind the cloud poetry, and a strong posture of protection, but it was a deeper wrinkle.

Mu Yazhe is expressionless: "Poetry is my wife, whoever bullies her, I naturally have the responsibility to protect, and you can't take your finger!"

(End of this chapter)

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