Chapter 1715 finally waits for you

Yun Shi poetry heard the words, but it could not help but soften the meaning.

Gong Yi has always been like this.

When he was young, he couldn’t see anyone bullying her. When she was bullied by a big child, she was often the first to protect her, just like her patron, always the first time. Appeared beside her.

She still remembers that once she was trying to protect her and had a fight with a group of children, she had a large number of people. He was only one person, but he couldn’t beat a group of people, and he was hurt and his face was swollen. Beside him, he was so scared that he was soaked and dumb, and he was pushed forward several times.

In the end, the adults came over, and when the children were there, they converge and disappeared.

But he was beaten almost fainting.

That is the most excessive one.

It is also the one that most remembers her the most.

Yunshi Shi: "I know."

"About my identity... I will find the right time to tell you!"

"it is good!"

Hanging up the phone, Gong Yi and Yu You patted the palm of his hand.

"I will say it! Mommy will regret the murder of you, her heart is the softest." Knowing mother Mo Ruozi, You You interpret this words to the fullest.


After the end of the engagement banquet, Jiang Yan actually, as previously guaranteed, smashed a big red envelope, and Yun Shi poetry opened it. It turned out to be seven-figure, and it was also a heroic handwriting.

It seems that I can imagine how Jiang’s expression is wronged at the moment!

Unexpectedly, she was an unintentional joke, and told him to be serious!

After returning to the room, she looked at the gift that had piled up into a mountain. It was both happy and sweet.

At this moment, she finally understood why the bride was the happiest woman in the world on her wedding day.

Probably because every love affair has gone through the storms and winds, and finally the result is flowering, and the ones who love the beloved are probably the happiest watch!

At that time, her mind suddenly flashed a lyrics -

I finally waited for you, but I didn't give up.

It’s not easy to be happy, it will make people cherish more!

Behind him, suddenly came the approaching footsteps.

Yun Shishi suddenly returned to God, just turned, but the waist was tightly circled by a pair of powerful arms.

Mu Yazhe embraced her from behind, and took her into her arms. She fell down her eyes and buried her face in her hair. She greedily sniffed the fragrance of her hair.

"What are you thinking?"

His gentle, magnetic voice clung to her ear, and the warm lips twitched her elegant shoulders, but it provoked her to be a stunned, shrinking her shoulders, who expected him. Suddenly attached to her ear, she was extremely embarrassed to contain her cute little earrings, but it made her heart beat like a thunder.


"What am I?"

"You don't do this..."

Yun Shishi refused to sneak a little, and he was so swaying, and some felt itchy, so he blamed: "You are so, it makes people itch!"

"Who told you to be so tempting and tempted me, is it still allowing you to push me away?"

The man smiled, but she was not forced to retreat by her. Instead, she was stronger and biting her earlobe. She was intimately involved, but after a few times, her face suddenly reacted like a fire. Generally spread, the blush suddenly spread from the cheek to the root of the ear, and even the body is slightly hot!

He likes her shy appearance and can't put it down.

(End of this chapter)

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