Chapter 1719 is away from Muh, nothing is

In his impression, Mu Yazhe seems to have always been the kind of feeling of abstinence, but never thought that the boss was originally a man of the boring system.

It looks dull on the surface, but in fact, it is still very...

Hum cough.

Only can you know, you can only know!

Jiang Yan put aside these cranky things and then stepped forward and echoed a few words in his ear.

Mu Yazhe heard the words, nodded, and the thin lips were slightly close.

In the castle, there is a medical center that was set up for an accident.

At the time of the wedding banquet preparation, he considered that in case of an emergency, he specially dispatched a medical team on the island, but did not expect it to come in handy!

At this moment, the mood of Mu Linfeng is quite unpleasant!

When Mu Yazhe arrived, Mu Shumin was lying on the hospital bed, her face was pale and lifeless. A face was swollen and swollen because of congestion. Especially the corners of the eyes and the mouth, several stitches were stitched. The wound in this place. Although it will heal, it will inevitably leave scars, fearing that there is a risk of disfigurement!

It is said that Mu Shumin broke several ribs and the bridge of the nose was interrupted.

Gong Gong’s heart is very hot, and the shot is not convergent. It is clear that she is going to put her to death.

Mu Yazhe has the ability to stop him, but he did not.

Mu Shumin made it like this, and I don’t blame anyone, on his own mouth, who offended someone who shouldn’t offend, who can blame! ?

Mu Linfeng saw him coming, the original messy heart, full of fire is nowhere to vent, and then see a man looks cold in front of him, Mu Linfeng feels his majesty has a feeling of being provocative!

"You still have a face!?"

Mu Yazhe was sneer, and he said that he did not care. "I didn't want to come over. Today is my wedding. Who is willing to come to the ward and get a sigh!"


Mu Linfeng was extremely aphasia, his face was ironed to the extreme, and after taking a deep breath, his face was a cold smile!

"Oh! Good, very good! You mixed boy, how could I not find it before, you have such a big ability!?"

He came over with Mu Shumin today, but he came with a joke!

At first, I heard that Mu Yazhe was going to hold a wedding on the island, but he was ridiculous, so the attitude is so contemptuous!

It seems that this kid really wants to rebel, even secretly plundering the funds on the company's accounts, in the absence of alarming Muss, the wedding!

It seems that it is his words as an ear!

Under the command of Mu Linfeng, Mu Shumin also ran to check the account on the consortium, but the result was a big oolong!

On Mu's account, there was no movement of any funds at all. Most of them were consortiums on the public water. Such a big thing, Mu Yazhe did not move a share of capital from the family account, which is surprising. Now!

At first, he said that he would marry Yunshi poetry. When Mu Linfeng was angry, he released a swearword and said that if he had the ability to marry, he would not use the capital of the family.

Mu Yazhe promised, on the surface, it seems to look disdainful.

Mu Linfeng because he is a slap in the mouth, it is difficult, he left the company, can still do a huge marriage by himself?

Therefore, Mu Linfeng also disapproved of it, and decided that this kid is away from Mu, nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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