One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1721: Such as the palace of the thunder

Chapter 1721 is like a palace

Could it be that this kid, in order to do this, will not hesitate to borrow foreign debt to support this scene?

Visually, this engagement banquet, there are no thousands of handwriting, it is impossible to see such a scene!

Is it that he owes a million debts to this woman in order to fulfill a promise?

It’s just that, he has no intention at all to take care of it.

The biggest accident at this engagement was the mysterious man.

Mu Shumin’s encounter was smashed at the engagement banquet. However, Mu Linfeng knew that this matter has nothing to do with other people. It is purely that Mu Shumin’s own mouth is guilty.

This point, Mu Linfeng also admitted that he has always felt that Mu Shumin's temper is not calm, high-profile work, especially speaking, fierce, no room left, aggressive, it is easy to make a mistake.

Perhaps it has always been the core figure of the Mu family, she used to be condescending. After all, at the moment, Mu’s status is outstanding. In Beijing, it can be said that it is a famous family who only covers the sky, and which family has This ability, can stand up against the Muslims?

One thing to remember is that there are people outside and there are days outside the sky.

Not stronger than her strong people.

I was really beaten today.

While admiring the wind and anger, I also felt that my face was lost by Mu Shumin.

But that kid, it’s too mad!

The phrase "shoveling Mu's overnight" is still calling him a heart!

This kid, is there any strength in the sky, can you actually say this? !

Mu Linfeng carefully, I heard the following sentence - "I just want her life! Bullying my sister, death is not enough! Otherwise, I thought that my family's people, whether it is a cat and a dog can bully!? Mujia?! Who do you think you are?? I thought that I could only cover my hand with my hand, and I was deceiving it! I would like to see if it is the skill of the family, or the ability of my house!"

Palace House...? !

Mu Linfeng was shocked at the time!

He can see that this young man is similar to the five poems of Yun Shishi. It is blood-related. The two people are about the relationship between their brothers and sisters.

But this man self-reported the portal and challenged the face of his family, which made him a little scared.

Palace House...?

Mu Linfeng knows such a family.

The North American Palace, a large Chinese family, is in charge of the world-famous military/fire group. Although he does not want to admit it, the strength of the palace is even more spectacular than that of the Mujia!

Mu is strong, it is because of the support of the JUNFANG background behind him, the foundation of a hundred years, deep-rooted.

Can be compared to the palace, but the fire is not enough.

That is the huge family that controls the pattern of war in the world. The internal foundation of the palace, no matter which person moves out, will not put a Muslim in the eye.

But this kid said that he is a member of the palace.

Could it be...

It is the rumor that the palace of the thunder is not a success! ?

That's it...

What is the relationship between Yun Shishi and Gongjia? !

Mu Linfeng was sitting for a while.

If you offend the palace, it is not necessarily a good thing for Mu's!

"Who is that man!?"

Mu Lin asked him.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The next order made Shumin a man who was so miserable. I asked, who else?!"

Mu Linfeng paused and immediately asked, "What is his relationship with Yun Shishi?"

(End of this chapter)

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