Chapter 1727 is really a villain

Yun Shishi was amused by him. Because of the relationship between wearing a dress, she couldn’t kneel down and pick him up. She had to lean over and gently touch his little head. He comforted: "Youyou, Auntie is in the same place." You are kidding! How can Mommy be willing to leave you? You are the baby of Mommy, the most loved mother of Mommy, and Mommy has to ask you!"

"Yeah!" Youyou nodded and spit out his tongue.

Selling is very cute.

Xiao Yuchen spit on the side, and at a glance, I know that this guy is deliberately saying sweet words and asking Mommy’s favor!

Jiang Li pretend to succumb to his sleeves. "Yousuke, don't take it seriously! Auntie is joking with you! Youyou, don't be angry! Auntie likes you to make you so funny!"

"Okay. You are not angry, not angry!"

Youyou said in silence: I am not angry, but you don't want to pull my sleeves? I don't like you.

In his heart, Jiang Li has been slashed with the aunt who "sells children"!

Children don't like adults to make such jokes.

What exchanges children, he does not want it!

He only has one mommy.

No one can grab it!

Jiang Li looked at Youyou, but he was all envious of the earth: "Oh, poetry, you are so blessed! Look at your son, how much? My daughter, don't say it is a good kid, it is a lollipop. Will be stupidly followed by others! Your son, can not afford to lose! You see, then stick to you, who deceives can not fool!"

"You are the most sticky me. I used to have such a joke in my colleagues. You were so small at that time, and I was so scared that I was crying in my arms. Many people were so busy that they were stunned!"

Yun Shishi remembered that when she was four years old, a colleague of hers saw Youyou cute and wanted to take it back to play. So she deliberately deceived Yu You and said that he would take him home and be his own son.

Xiao Youyou was so scared that he burst into tears. In the end, his eyes were red and swollen. Don't mention how sad it was.

Jiang Li said again: "Well, you are willing to be my little girl?"

"son in law?"

You You did not understand the pretense, and suddenly widened his eyes, but his mind appeared to be unreasonable, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

"That is, after doing the aunt's son-in-law, be a wife, willing?"

Jiang Li teased him.

Yuyou suddenly shook his head like a wave drum.

He won't want it!

That sly, and unreasonable, and arrogant, he did not want such a lovely wife.

Jiang Li’s face slammed a little, and in front of everyone’s face, some of them could not come down the stairs.

I feel that my daughter has been abandoned by others.


She smiled and asked, "Why not?"

"Because I have to keep Mommy for a lifetime, I don't want to marry a woman!"

A naive childlike story, but it is a subtle way to resolve this ambiguous atmosphere, so that the guests laughed.

I have to say that Yuyou’s IQ is very high, but this emotional intelligence is much higher than many adults.

He knows how to leave a face and sees Jiang Lizhen, so he deliberately said so childish words, he told him that he didn't want to, because he wanted to keep Mommy for a lifetime.

Jiang Li smiled in his heart, but his face was too happy: "This child is really a villain!"

"Haha! This little guy!"

Yun Shishi smiled, but she felt very warm in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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