One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1731: You are engaged, why didn't you invite me?

Chapter 1731, you are engaged, why didn't you invite me?

"A beautiful fireworks!"

Yun Shishi took his arm and rested on his shoulder. "Is this all prepared for you?"

He asked her: "Do you like it?"



"I like it! Really like it!"

Yun Shi Shi moved: "Thank you! Mu Yazhe."

He caught her language disease, and some dissatisfiedly raised an eyebrow and raised a question: "What do you call me?"


Her face was a little red and red, and she was holding her lips. Some embarrassedly said: "Is it okay to call your husband now?"

"Now can't shout, then when are you going to wait? Do you have to wait until my hair is white? Can you wait until you call me a 'husband'?" Mu Yazhe was half-serious and half-joking, "The wedding banquet is done, Can you say that you still want to escape marriage?"

Yun Shishi is somewhat shy, pushing his shoulders, not very airy: "No... you know that I don't mean that!"

"What should you call me?" Mu Yazhe is patient and tempted.

Yun Shi poetry whispered, and then sneaked his face with a meaningful expression, slammed, courage, and screamed: "husband!"

"Hey! My lady!"

He embraced her, and in the fireworks, in the eyes of everyone, kissed together.

A bunch of fireworks slowly rose in the night sky and bloomed in the night.

The romantic scene is fixed at this moment.

That night.

Mu Yazhe still entertained the guests at the reception. She returned to the room in advance and put on her pajamas. She just went into the bathroom and washed the heavy makeup. The ringing of the phone sounded uncomfortably.

She was very brisk to the sofa, sang songs, took the phone out of the bag, looked at the screen, but looked at the name of the jump on the screen, the heartbeat missed a beat.

Yun Shi poetry can not help but suffocate.

The words "Gu Xingze" are still leaping with the ringing of the bell.

She was inexplicably flustered and glanced at the door, which picked up the phone and the heartbeat accelerated.

"Hey? Stars..."

"Poetry, where are you?"

At that end, it sounded like a slightly heavy and exhausted voice of Gu Xingze.

"I... I am..."

"I heard that you have something, so it was originally scheduled to be postponed in today's first road show."

Gu Xingze said again.

Yun Shishi thought about this. The "Green Fruit" crew entered the publicity period and began to hold a national road show. It was originally scheduled for today's premiere. Because she was on leave, Lin Fengtian had to delay a few days.

She was very embarrassed, because she was very embarrassed because of her own private affairs that affected the entire team's itinerary.

Lin Fengtian said, her heroine, no one can, but she can not be absent, so he did not hesitate to lose, the debut of the premiere.

She was grateful and embarrassed, but Lin Fengtian said with a smile: "The more important things are not as important as your life! Nothing."

Therefore, Gu Xingze called, her first feeling, is a big embarrassment.


At that end, Gu Xingze slowly said with a strange and calm voice: "I also heard that you are engaged."


"But you didn't invite me. Why?"

Gu Xingze's slightly helpless voice made her heart beat more chaotic.

He asked her why he was not invited.

She does not know how to answer this question.

(End of this chapter)

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