Chapter 1737 Premiere (2)

In general, the cycle of movie release is about twenty days to two months.

The harder the director in the background, the higher the filming rate and the longer the release period.

Coupled with Gu Xingze, Lin Fengtian’s box office for the movie is still full of confidence!

Yun Shi poetry is under the pressure of unprecedented!

This is her virgin/female work, and she is the newest person. She is the first film of the heroine. If she is not famous enough, she can't hold the box office and drag the whole team's hind legs.

Qin Zhou has comforted her, and there are two high box office squads of Lin Fengtian and Gu Xingze. First of all, even if her reputation is not enough, the box office results will not be too ugly.

The crew prepared several sets of dresses, but Yun Shishi recently gained some weight. Qin Zhousheng was afraid that she would fall off the chain and couldn't wear the dress, so she urged her to lose weight.

Of course, in such a short period of time, the so-called weight loss measures are also quite rude.

For the premiere, she was hungry for two days, enough to wear the dress perfectly.

Lin Fengtian was satisfied with this.

However, on the day of the premiere, when Yun Shishi arrived at the venue, it was discovered that all the members of the crew had arrived, except Gu Xingze.

She did not see him.

Is he going to miss the premiere?

Yun Shishi worried about what happened to him, so he tried to ask Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou is ambiguous: "He will come, but there is a little bit of situation, maybe it will be late! However, it will definitely be before the premiere."

Yun Shishi twisted her eyebrows, and some worried, but did not show it.

There were more than half an hour of effort at the opening, and Gu Xingze was finally late. However, when he appeared, the clumps were quite loud.

Four bodyguards open the road, plus private physicians, stylists, assistants...

A dozen people, surrounded by him, went straight into the dressing room.

Yun Shishi suddenly received a phone call from Yun Qinli.

"Poetry poet, I heard that today is the premiere of "Green Fruit"! Gu Xingze will also be present, right?"


"Then you... can you ask for a signature for me? Please, please! I am a **** fan of Xingze. My request is not high. Just a signature!"

Yun Qinli has repeatedly asked for it.

Yun Shishi only perfunctors: "I am very busy, have a chance, I will do it for you."

After that, I hung up the phone impatiently, sitting in the dressing room, and my mind was chaotic.

Ten minutes later, Gu Xingze finished the makeup and walked out of the dressing room.

She looked up at him, but saw him with a pale and sick face.

A handsome face, even after careful modification by the stylist, it is not difficult to see that he is extremely exhausted at the moment.

The pale face, the forehead constantly oozing cold sweat, the thin lips are tight and dry, even if the lipstick is applied, it is still difficult to cover his weak breath.

Especially his tight eyebrows, I can see that his body is in a bad condition.

Yun Shishi could not help but ask: "Qin Zhou, Xing Ze he... What happened? I think his face is so pale, like he is sick!"

Qin Zhou twisted his eyebrows but did not speak.

Daddy, he slowly said: "He was able to attend the premiere because maybe this is his last movie!"

When Qin Zhou’s voice just fell, Yun Shi’s poems widened their eyes and looked at him incredulously: “The last movie?”


Qin Zhou did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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