One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1739: Please pay attention to yourself

Chapter 1739, please pay attention to yourself

Media: "Xing Ze, what is your biggest achievement in this movie?"

Gu Xingze answered with a microphone and said, "I think, the biggest gain should be the memories of working with such a good director and many hard-working actors as Lin, and everyone is working hard to make this film because this The film was adapted from the famous original book, and many of the original fans are looking forward to it. In order to live up to the expectations of the fans, everyone is working hard."

Media: "When you debut, the first youth movie, and until you are debut for ten years, take another youth movie, do you have any feelings?"

Gu Xingze said, "In fact, the youth movie is not just a feeling. The biggest feeling is that after ten years, after repeated precipitation, my acting has also been greatly improved. "Green Fruit" is probably a milestone in my acting career. I have put a lot of effort into this movie and hope to be satisfied by the fans."

When the voice fell, he suddenly moved the microphone and coughed a few times.

The hoarse cough was clearly introduced into her ears.

Yun Shishi could not help but clench his fists.

The media suddenly made a sharp question.

"Do you have any expectations for the box office?"

"Lin said that the expectations of the box office can break through 2 billion. Of course, no matter how much the box office is, in my heart, "Green Fruit" is a very good and good movie. I hope everyone can like it."

In a word, it is an understatement to resolve sharp questions.

All the media are in a hurry, in front of Gu Xingze, they often do not want to benefit.

So, began to shift the target, launched a fierce offensive in Yun Shishi.

However, after so many actual combat drills, Yun Shi's poetry's ability to respond on the spot did not fall, and then sharp questions, it is hard to beat her, from good to good.

The media are desperate.

At the end of the ceremony, Gu Xingze and Yun Shishi together held the champagne and slowly poured it on the name of "Green Fruit" made with ice sculpture.

After the premiere, at the time of the break, Yun Shishi silently followed Gu Xingze’s back.

Along the way, she looked at Gu Xingze’s coughing sound and she was scared.

Several times, when he coughed severely, she was afraid that he would cough and bleed.

At a corner, he was stunned by a staff member who passed by in a hurry, and his body swayed and fell.

Yun Shishi’s eyes quickly helped him from behind.

"Are you ok?"

The staff member was also shocked. At first sight, Gu Xingze was even more trembled. He was so busy that he wanted to go forward and help, but he looked at Gu Xingze’s cold and cold eyes. He recovered his hand and said, "I’m sorry. "Hurry up and urinate."

Gu Xingze stood up at the wall and stood up straight, but she opened her hand in a cold face.

Yun Shishi’s face was a little stiff, and then slowed down. He tweeted: "Go to the hospital!?"

Gu Xingze slowly turned back and looked at her.

Yun Shishi is worried. "You are too bad. There are 24 road shows, you can't eat it..."

"What are you doing?"

Gu Xingze asked if he was cold.

She stunned.

He smiled, but he was mocking. "Is this caring about me?"


"If it is hypocritical, please pay attention to yourself, I don't want to listen."

(End of this chapter)

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