Chapter 1743 World Fantasy!

Lu Yuyu also touched his belly and shouted: "I can't eat too! Jiang Yan, when we arrived in Los Angeles, we will hurry to hunt! You must find a girlfriend, otherwise, you must not be killed by the boss. !"

"Looking for you, I still have to mix with the boss! The boss abused me thousands of times, I am like a boss." Jiang Yan took the opportunity to flatter.

Mu Yazhe is proud and cold.

Lu Yuyu said on the side of the knife: "Why do you want to be the first to love the boss, the boss still abuses you thousands of times."

Jiang Xin’s heart was smothered with a bitter tear.

Lu Yuyu said to the side: "Do you hear what the boss said?" "Look at home, don't do things that make me worry!" Hey, boss is here, and my heart is big!"

Jiang Yan nodded indecently.

Mu Yazhe said: "You are prone to stupidity on weekdays. I naturally have to take care of it."

Inadvertently, it was full of Dangdang and fed a dog food.

Lu Yu’s lips twitched for a while, and he really felt the 10,000 crit from love!

"It’s so good to fall in love!"

Jiang Yan sent a feeling on the side: "It is still a matter of life to talk about falling in love!"

"Nonsense. I also saw a woman around you last time." Lu Yu reputation broke him.

Jiang Yan said with a blank expression: "That is not a girlfriend, okay? The only love I have ever talked about is when I was in college. At that time, it was really youth!"

Lu Yu's reputation is the poisonous tongue of the Sheng Yu Group: "In fact, now that you are a little younger than this skin, your bones are already full of gray."

Jiang Yan: "..."


Cloud poetry woke up and found that the whole world has changed.

It is not the world that is in the world, but the online world.

The first thing she got up early, in order to make herself more awake, she would open Weibo to see some of the fan's offensive comments. If I look at three or five articles, I will be stimulated to rejuvenate!

She was pessimistically done, and when she opened Weibo, she was prepared to be attacked by the original party!

However, today she just turned on her mobile phone and suddenly felt that this world is fantastic!

Her recent Weibo, in the background of the premiere, with Lin Fengtian's photo, a black skirt, tall and elegant, very beautiful.

Yesterday when she was asleep, but a few hundred comments, when I woke up, I saw tens of thousands of comment reminders and countless @ on the microblogging background.

She clicked in and saw that her Weibo had tens of thousands of new comments!

What concept?

However, overnight, the number of Weibo fans has broken five million!

Yun Shishi stunned, and thought it was a systemic mental retardation. As a result, she turned several pages. Each new comment was a live fan message, and the system did not have any faults.

This--! ?

Fan A: Poetry! You're great! As a loyal fan of the original "Green Fruit", I participated in the premiere of the movie yesterday, my God! I saw such a beautiful person in reality for the first time! You are so beautiful! From then on, you turn the powder!

Fan B: I saw your movie poster at first. It’s not like a human fireworks. I thought you had a strong post-team. I didn’t expect your real person to be really beautiful! After watching the movie, in addition to loving your face value, I love your acting skills. Every look and feelings are deep in the bones. I am preparing for the second brush today! Support you!

Fan C: I saw the movie and I knew what it means to not eat the fireworks!

(End of this chapter)

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