One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1746: Box office attack and defense

Chapter 1746 Box Office Attack and Defence

The crew opened the curtain of the national road show, from the audience at the premiere of thousands of audiences, until finally at the Jinghua University, the sensational scene of tens of thousands of fans, the scene of the crowds, the first stop road show was very successful.

On the Internet, many netizens also spontaneously promoted and praised constantly. Many people who didn't pay attention to movies all noticed this high-rated film, so they went into the cinema and saw it quickly.

The film officially entered the competition of the Lunar New Year, and each family began to exert their strength, propaganda, and the momentum of the offensive. Everyone hopes to have a piece of gold at the end of the year.

The offensive and defensive battle at the box office is in full swing.

After the first day, Lin Fengtian’s fear of a box office decline did not occur.

Instead, it gradually increased. On the fifth day of the release, the box office has already broken the 500 million mark and is moving towards one billion ambitions.

This is probably the best film ever since Lin Fengtian entered the market!

In the past, the youth movie was screaming. He shot so many parts, from tens of millions of box office to hundreds of millions of box office, but anyone who can break through one billion is almost a mythical existence.

However, for this film, Lin Fengtian is holding a optimistic attitude, so he is getting more and more **** the propaganda.

All the creative staff are more like a chicken blood, doing their best.

After the Christmas, several movies were released, most of which were crude and indiscriminate films invested by investors in order to catch up with the gold period. Whether it was a comedy film, an action movie or a thriller, the publicity was praised. A crowning sword, a sword for ten years.

Can it be insider?

The entire movie cycle is only a few months, where can the finished product see?

There is no good script, even the most basic logic is not smooth, pull a few votes at the box office, and forcefully toss out, just waiting for the money in the Lunar New Year!

In the case of the situation, basically this mode is tried and tested.

But this time, under the attack of "Green Fruit" and several Hollywood blockbusters, several commercial films have been defeated.

One of the comedies was even more interesting, and even later, it sparked a war between fans of "Green Fruit" and the film crew.

The reason is that there is a Hong Kong male artist in this comedy film. Before the film was released, I didn't know whether it was deliberately speculative or sensational. I even published a remark on intimidation on China and GANGDU, and even said: "The mainland audience They are stupid. The artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan ran to the mainland to make money. The mainland audience also supported like a fool. Anyway, I support XIANGGANGDULI, but even so, the movies I released will still have viewers to buy."

This explosive remark made the mainland entertainment circle completely.

Yun Shishi is no stranger to this male artist.

When she was on the show, the male artist was recorded as a guest with her.

In the background, he actually got a color on her, took the opportunity to sip oil, and was slap in the face by Yun Shishi.

The man was so angry that he used the Gangp to humiliate her.

It is a very inferior artist, and Yun Shishi is only resentful to him.

Today, even more such speeches have been published.

Many well-known directors and actors have published long-formed artillery bombarding of this long-lost artist.

(End of this chapter)

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