Chapter 1749 Gu Xingze was banned (1)

The audience and popularity are different.

Many of them watch TV in front of TV. Most of them are middle-aged. The audience of this age often does not become a fan of fanaticism, but the name will make the audience familiar and enhance the nationality.

Nationality means the ratings and the guarantee of the box office, and at the same time, it means the value of the ship.

The value is like a stock, there are ups and downs, but if you have accumulated a strong audience, the pay is naturally guaranteed.

What is most needed for Yun Shishi is the audience.

Although her popularity is already there, the national level is not enough, and the box office appeal is naturally not as big as the big one.

Therefore, in the aspect of picking the script, it takes a lot of hard work.

However, the scripts are mixed, the level is different, and the poetry of Yun Shi feels dizzy.

However, Qin Zhou has a unique vision in the selection of the script. For the script, he is extremely demanding. Some of the shoddy scripts are not seen or seen at all. They are not answered at all. Many of the films are usually stayed up late. After the script, I thought about it again and again.

A good script is difficult to estimate.

Some scripts are low-profile, but they are good scripts.

Some scripts have high pay, but for Qin Zhou, there is no value reference.

The TV series received two, and the film received three. The exaggeration is that her schedule was three years later.

When Yun Shishi saw the full schedule of the film, he was dizzy and complicated.

This is probably the complex taste after the explosion!

In the face of the seven-digit increase in the daily account, and the increasingly crowded announcement, she did not know that she was crying and laughing.

The next itinerary, Qin Zhou Ma non-stop for her to negotiate a contract.

Yun Shi poetry rushed the film's propaganda period. After the popularity, the company demanded that her more frequent frequency, when the road show, more blog; before going to bed, more blog, watch the script, more Bo...

In order to improve the exposure during the film release.

Of course, the fans who are now posting messages under her Weibo are also very friendly, unlike the past.

However, after the red, the right and wrong are also coming.

Many people questioned that her facial features were exquisite, whether she was full of tolerance and had a knife.

Many people questioned whether her first game was to cooperate with a gold medal director like Lin Fengtian. Is there any insider rule?

More people have questioned whether she and Gu Xingze have cooperated in love programs, and whether there is any suspicion about the popularity of Xingze.

The anecdote about her and Gu Xingze is also very good. However, most netizens think that she and Gu Xingze stand together, which is also a good match. At least, Yan value is, some fans of Gu Xingze even because of "Green Fruit" The film, she turned black, the road turned to powder, "lucky couple" also fired.

Yun Shishi saw the reports of those vain, and his heart was miserable.

She is more and more helpless. This kind of bundled hype seems to be really unfair to Gu Xingze.

But at the beginning, the hype was also greeted by her.

Although it was pushed by Qin Zhou, the poetry of Yun Yun poetry was suspected of being "hot" and felt ugly.


So she found Qin Zhou and showed her attitude.

"Qin Zhou, can I please you?"

Qin Zhou raised an eyebrow, "What?!"

She said: "I hope that the team can give up the hype of me and Xing Ze."

(End of this chapter)

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