Chapter 1771 identifies bones

Yun Shi poetry stunned, silently poked in the fingers.

Mu Yazhe touched her little head that was so sad that she was so sad, and said, "She doesn't have long eyes. I will send a blockade tomorrow, and she will hide her."

Yun Shishi was apprehended by his attitude of shortness, and he cried his hand and immediately applauded: "Husband is awesome!"


Yun Shishi suddenly pinched the powder boxing: "Don't be tomorrow, just tonight! I didn't want to care about her, but this stock was actually in front of my face / lead my husband, I can't stand tomorrow!" ”

Mu Yazhe, "..."

He suddenly smiled. "Good! Block her tonight."

Rao did not realize that he had any connivance and favor for this little woman.

"Husband is great!"

"Okay, don't be upset, let's go have dinner now."


Yun Shishi nodded and rejoiced.

The phone suddenly sounded at this moment.

She picked up the phone and glanced at the screen, which was actually the call from Yunye.

After the connection, at that end, Yunye’s extremely disturbing voice rang in her ear: “Poetry, where are you now? Are you busy?”

"Dad, I am going to have dinner, just finished work."

"You are coming to the police station of Shifang Road..." Yunye Cheng’s voice is extremely hoarse.

When I was ordinary, if I heard that her work was over, I would definitely ask for a warmth, and then the important thing would let her use dinner first.

But today's cloud industry, the tone is extremely urgent.

Yun Shi poetry stunned, "Police? Dad, what happened?"

"I don't know what the situation is! I just received a summons from the police station. I just arrived. You can come over now!"

"it is good……"

Hanging up the phone, Mu Yazhe seems to have heard the unusual phone call, some doubts, "What?"

"Dad let me rush to the police station now, as if something is important."


Mu Yazhe frowned, but also some accidents.

"Where is the police station?"

"Ten Square Road."

"it is good."

Mu Yazhe hit the direction, the front of the car turned and went to the ten-way road.

When I arrived at the police station, Yunyecheng sat on the bench and seemed to be restless and sullenly clutching his palm. Obviously, there was no blood.

Yun Shishi went over and put his hand on his shoulder and asked with concern: "Dad, what happened?"

Yunye Cheng Fang raised his head and turned to her face, but after a few words and thoughts, he turned around and saw that the car was parked and Mujazhe slowly came in.

"Uncle, hello."

Mu Yazhe screamed politely.

Yunye Cheng nodded quickly and hooked his lips. It was just how to squeeze out the smile, and his face was still very difficult to see.

"Poetry poetry, the police station called me and said that there is a bone, let me identify it. I was shocked. I thought it was what happened to you. When I arrived at the police station, I was told. When the body was discovered, it has been dead for a long time, I... I don’t know what happened!"

Yun Shi poems live.

"The body?"


Yunye nodded and his throat slid a little. "I heard that it was a fisherman who came out to fish and fished. This was discovered only after the salvage came out! At that time, the body had been rotted so badly that it could not be recognized."

Yun Shishi suspects, "What time?"

Yunye Cheng Shen said, "The body was salvaged more than half a month ago."

(End of this chapter)

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