Chapter 1776 Post-mortem results (3)

Yun Shishi sneaked a bit, clothes, she barely recognized it, Li Qin once worn clothes, red jacket, a high fashion, Li Qin loves to dress, so even if the family is tight, wearing I have always been willing to give up the blood.

This is still the clothes to wear in the summer!

Vaguely judged, if this corpse is really Li Qin, then in the summer, it has already been killed!

“Is it a coincidence?”

The poetry of the cloud is still somewhat unbelievable and raises a conjecture.

"There are some personal belongings of the deceased here. Please come and identify them."

The policeman placed the bag of relics on the table and pointed his finger. "A watch, a black wallet, an earring, a gold ring, and a jade bracelet..."

Yun Shishi and Yunyecheng went over. The cloud industry trembled and reached out, sorting out those things, and suddenly took a deep breath and sighed with sorrow.

"It's her... it's my wife..."

Yunye can't help but mutter.

He nodded again and shook his head. Li Qin was too suddenly dead, making him somewhat confused and sad.

"Why are you good people saying that they are gone?"

He really can't figure this out.

The policeman shook his head and said: "The autopsy report has not yet been released, so it is impossible to draw a conclusion, but one thing is certain is that people are murdered."


Yunye Cheng was shocked and stunned. Some couldn't believe it. "She doesn't even have a hateful relationship with anyone. Even if it is, it is also a contradiction between neighbors. How could it be murdered?? In the sea, I really can't figure it out!"

The police officer kept silent and observed him silently.

As Li Qin’s husband, Li Qin’s bizarre death, Yunye Cheng also has a great suspicion, so as a suspect, the police officers began to observe silently from the speech.

Yunye Cheng did not realize that the police officers were careful and cautious, and suddenly made a request: "Can I have a look at her?"

The police replied: "The body is parked in the autopsy room. Now, it may not be convenient for you to look over."


"Because you are still autopsy, and the body is highly decomposed, are you sure you want to see it?"

Yunye Cheng sighed, "No matter what, people are gone, always look at the last look!"

Yun Shishi also said: "Comrade comrades, trouble you, my father wants to look at the last look."

The police officer nodded.

On the way leading them to the autopsy room, the police officer suddenly asked: "You are called Yun Shishi, right?"


Yun Shishi was surprised and asked, "How do you know my name?"

"The first one, you can find out your identity details when you investigate. The second one, now the "Green Fruit" is very hot, and the reputation is very good. I only watched it with my girlfriend a few days ago! Your performance is very good. Excellent, my girlfriend is in the cinema, infected by the plot, crying into a tear, I don't know how to comfort."

In a tense environment, he said something other than the case, it is a mood.

This will help to better observe the suspect.

As a family member, Yun Shishi is also listed as one of the suspects.

Although this police officer knows clearly, as a star, a public figure will not take this kind of thing to ruin his future.

But observing the suspects is also one of their jobs.

(End of this chapter)

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