Chapter 1784 Weak meat

Yuyou’s shoulder curled up slightly. “I seem... I have something dirty on my hand. I am afraid, I am afraid that if Mommy knows this, she will hate me, fear me...”

Although, he knew in his heart, he only gave orders, and Li Qin and Yunna were not killed by his own hands.

The death of Li Qin and Yunna is also caused by him.

He is not afraid to kill.

What he fears is that once his hands are sinned, they can no longer be cleaned.

What he was afraid of was that he became a sinful person and became a person who made Mummy fear and disappointed.

At the beginning, the reason why he had murdered Yunna and Li Qin was because Li Dongqiang learned that Yunna secretly framed Mummy's affairs. He was furious at the moment and could not wait to put these two sinful women into hell!

When I wake up and calm down, I think again. He found that hatred was blinded at the time, so that he lost his reason.

The things he has done, do not regret, the world of the weak and the strong, only to become stronger, can protect the loved ones.

But he is afraid...

I am afraid that Mommy hates him.

What if Mommy knew it?

Paper can't hold fire.

He couldn't imagine how he was disappointed and chilling when he thought of Mommy knowing that the culprit was him! ?

In the world of Mommy, so simple, longing for an ordinary and quiet life, but if she let her know, the most beloved and most well-behaved son is even contaminated with blood in his hands...

You You was shocked and took a deep breath.

Li Hanlin gripped his hand with a distressed grip.

"Cloud, don't worry, I will handle this for you."

He was relieved again and again, but Yu You was still unable to control himself and stiffened, especially his shoulders, and he could not stop shuddering. Obviously, he was scared from the bottom of his heart.

Li Hanlin made a phone call on the road, and immediately drove the car back to Lezhi headquarters.

In the office, he only poured a cup of cola on Youyou, and Yuyou suddenly lifted his arm and held his arm tightly.

"Li Li!"

“Hmmm?” Li Hanlin raised his eyebrows patiently, glanced at him and smiled softly. “You said.”

"You... killed someone?"

Li Hanlin twisted his eyebrows but fell silent.

Yuyou’s bright and deep eyes stared at him quietly. In the eyes, the complex emotions continued to rush, helpless, and explored...

At this moment, Youyou lost the calmness and calmness of the past, and some looked at him with all his disappointment. Just like an innocent and innocent child who made a mistake, his guilty conscience.

Li Hanlin smiled and shook his head.

"I have never killed anyone."

Bless the heartbeat, but it is inexplicably more uneasy.

He suddenly asked lowly, "I ask you, killing, is it a crime that cannot be forgiven?"

"Yes." Li Hanlin blinked his eyes gently and bluntly.


"Cloud always, according to the thinking of ordinary people, no one has such supreme right, and there is no such qualification to deprive anyone of their lives."

Yu You is silent.

"There is nothing wrong with that, the wrong thing is you."

"What do you mean?"

"Li Qin and Yunna are two people who are insatiable and hurt your loved ones. For you, sin is unforgivable. They have this end because you are stronger than them. One person is strong, there is nothing wrong with it."

Youyou listened silently and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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