Chapter 1788 Closing Notice

But will these black men give him this chance?

A hand grabbed his hair, twisted his neck, threw it on the ground, and took out his pistol, and shot his eyebrows precisely.

Blood is splashing.

Li Dongqiang fell weakly and weakly, slowly softening on the ground, and his body gradually became cold.


The mobile phone sent a newsletter.

Youyou sliding screen unlocked, Li Hanlin only sent a few short words: the garbage was cleaned up.

Yu You noodles deleted the newsletter with no expression, replied with a smile, put the phone under the pillow and went to sleep peacefully.

Just as the cloud industry was struggling to wait for the results of the autopsy report, two days later, the police station summoned him again. He rushed to the police station, but the notice was closed.

Close the case? !

Yunye Cheng is very puzzled. In the short two days, what happened, but I have to wait for the notice to close the case?

The police officer in charge of the criminal investigation received him and listed the evidence in various aspects and explained it to him.

Until now, Yuncheng Cheng suddenly realized that his disappointing daughter had owed the debt outside.

"The criminal suspect, Li Dongqiang, has his own site in Dongjie, and runs a underground blockade. He is a famous miscellaneous and a frequent visitor in the bureau."

The police officers spread a few photos to the cloud industry, and under the police's explanation, Yunye Cheng understood the incident.

Yunna’s brain is not intelligent, she is not good at reading, she did not go to high school, and she just read a vocational technical school. However, the technical school did not read for a long time, and was infected by the bad atmosphere in the school, and some bad young people in the society were not infected. A clear relationship.

In the middle of the study, I have been absent from school several times. I barely insisted that after graduation, Yunna did not rush to find a job immediately, but continued to mix with the bad young people in the society.

Among them, there is Li Dongqiang.

When Yunna went to school, she often played in the bar. Once, she met Li Dongqiang, who was still a little boy at the bar. The two men drank a "beverage" and they played together.

Li Dongqiang likes to engage in student girls, especially the little girls who are still studying, and Yunna?

Usually not doing business, but the head of Lingguang is used in this regard.

Behind the weekends, she often brought a few girls from the class to play together. On the surface, it was played, actually?

After taking the girl to the bar, first fill a few glasses of wine, of course, these wines are naturally not simple!

It is naturally blended with something.

These simple girls have not yet gone to the society, they don’t care about the world, they don’t have any heart to watch out for. They have two glasses of wine and they are set in the middle. At this point, the gangsters that Yunna has made tear away the camouflage of the surface. I began to show the hidden wolf ambitions, one person holding a girl, and happy to return to the room, and have fun!

Often during this fun-filling process, a lively video will be recorded. When these girls came out in the morning, they found themselves lying on a strange bed without being so scared.

However, even so, many girls are courageous and do not dare to report to the police. Even if they are daring to call the police, they will often be cleaned up by Li Dongqiang and others. Finally, they will use video as a key. If they dare to report to the police, they will announce it. On the school’s website, it’s a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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