One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1793: The world's first level

Chapter 1793 World First Level

Whether it is French cuisine, Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine...

He tried to do it.

Especially for French cuisine, he is very good at it, not for other reasons, but because Mommy especially loves French foie gras fried steak, so he learned and specialized in French cuisine.

Doing it quickly, Mummy still has a soft spot for French cuisine.


Mommy is a **** man, it seems that he is a stupid mommy, true love for French cuisine!

“The restaurant here has a unique style and the signature sign is the French-style fried steak.”

Mu Yazhe carefully turned the menu page by page and introduced her while ordering.

Yun Shishi has some surprises. "How do you know, I love French fried steak?"

Mu Yazhe laughed and said nothing, silently glanced at the blessing sitting next to her.

Youyou smiled slightly.

"Why to ask my mommy what I like most, I will answer it truthfully!" He said to Mu Yazhe, "Hey, you don't know, Mommy is a hard-eared food, in my craft. Next, her taste is very good, very picky! If the restaurant recommended by the restaurant is not good, Mommy must be disappointed!"

Yun Shishi smiled and couldn't help but scratch his nose. "You, you!? A great chef, not as good as our family!"

Xiao Yuchen also shot the flattering and said: "The skill of Youyou is the best! Youyou's fried steak is the world's first level!"

You Youyi saw that he was flattering and sighed: "I have cooked steaks you have eaten?"

Mu Yuchen’s eyes twitched.


Mu Yazhe faintly said: "Xiao Yuchen, you are out! The flattering has been taken to the horse's feet."

Yun Shishi is amused and laughs straight.

Mu Yuchen was even more cramped. He suddenly said that he was arrogant: "What is the flattering! I am really sincere! And, have I tasted the fried steak of Youyou?"

Yun Shishi and Yu You looked at each other with a glance.


"Dream, dream... dream..." Mu Yuchen silently said.

Dead silence

The three men looked at Mu Yuchen with pity, and the latter poked poked at the little finger, which seemed to be aggrieved. "Who will let Youyou not give it to me!"

"You have a snack, in addition to eating, what do you know?" Youyou hated him for not competing, and poked his small head on the side.

Mu Yuchen squatted with a small head, a pitiful look, and sighed and complained: "I want to taste the fried steak made by Youyou. As a result, I can only leave some thoughts in my dreams..."

The cloud poetry "haha" smiled and thought that this guy was really funny.

Mu Yazhe is silent.

Is this guy born to be funny?

“Isn't that a fried steak? Go back and I will do it for you!”

Youyou waved his hand and provoked Xiao Xiaochen to cheer.

"You two, enough, no fun. Mommy has taught you, in public, to keep the gentleman's manners."

Yu You and Mu Yuchen are extremely tacitly sitting and convinced.

"Would you wash your hands?"

You You and Xiao Yuchen shook their heads.

Mu Yazhe gently licked the envy of Chen Chen’s black hair and smiled at her: “You order first, I bring two guys to wash my hands.”

"it is good."

Yun Shishi suddenly asked, "What do you want to eat?"


(End of this chapter)

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