Chapter 1811 is not romantic at all.

Yun Shishi is puzzled and doubtful: "Hey? How?"

Jiang Yan will drink the rest of the cup and drink it. Immediately, he said: "In fact, there are many theaters under Huanyu, and the department stores under the name of God’s investment in the department store. Huanyu can become the half/wall/river/mountain of the entertainment circle because Huanyu constantly controls 80% of the media influence, and it controls 60% of the cinema holdings. In the release of "Green Fruit" One day, Mu's distributed secret documents early, and Mr. Mu was always flustered. 'The Green Fruit box office must refresh the Chinese film record'. We, as employees, are busy, if not for the large-scale improvement of the company. "Green Fruit" in the platoon and propaganda, the film may not have such a great performance! Oh, strictly speaking, this is also a kind of unspoken rules."

After listening to Jiang Yan’s serious explanation, the whole person of Yun Shi’s poems was stunned.

The heart is full of five flavors, and the complex feelings that can't be said.

Have fun, have sweetness, have lost, and have a little sadness.

She originally thought that "Green Fruit" can have such achievements and should rely on her own strength.

However, it seems...not as pure as she thought.

Lu Yuyu glanced at the expression of Yun Shishi and quickly understood what she was missing, so she said helplessly: "Da, don't think about it. Jiang Yan said that although it is true, the movie can have such a The results are also the strength. Although the theater has improved the rate, but those viewers are not tied to the cinema?! So, this shows that this movie is really attractive, can live up to expectations Got the box office champion."

"After ten days of release, it is almost time to refresh the box office record?" Jiang Yan excitedly said.

"Well! It should be faster!"

The Chinese box office is 2.9 billion.

At present, the "Green Fruit" movie box office is 2.89 billion, which is only a few million away.

Therefore, overnight, "Green Fruit" topped the Chinese box office crown, it is not a problem at all.

Cloud poetry is silent.

She looked at Muzzle a little disgusted.

This man!

It is no wonder that there are always those gossip saying that her debut is very strong, there must be a gold owner behind it, or there is a very strong backstage!

This makes her unwilling.

She clearly put so much effort, in order to be able to shoot the best works, even if it is tired and tired, there is no complaint.

This can always be the case, obviously she also paid a lot of effort, but one sentence "There must be a gold master behind her", a sly sentence, it easily erased all her efforts.

It turned out that this man has been pushing behind his back.

Before the recollection of Yun Shishi, it is no wonder that her resources have always been one and the same.

It depends on him.

Yun Shishi suddenly laughed and laughed.

It seems that the rumors of her unspoken rules are not cleaned anyway.

Because, she is really being held up.

However, it is her husband who holds her upper position.

This is something that no one can think of.

She was taken for granted, and she was relieved, hehe.

"You must walk with me on the red carpet."

Mu Yazhe made a speech on the side, and his attitude was firm and unquestionable.

Yun Shishi screwed her eyebrows, "Why?"

"No reason!"

Yun Shishi can't wait to kill him with his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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