Chapter 1816 is inhuman...

He pointed to one of the lines and raised questions: "What is silkworm cocoon?"

Yun Shishi looked up and looked at him like a mentally retarded person. He scorned: "What else can it be? After the silkworm baby is spinning, the small group that the silkworm is plucked into, the silkworm is made inside, is called silkworm cocoon."

He certainly knows what silkworm cocoons are!

The question is, can this kind of play be eaten?

"That is a bug!" Mu Yazhe is not calm, "Can you eat?"

"The taste is not bad."

"What is it?" Mu Yazhe Jie Jie was guilty. He felt that there were black-pressed insects flying in front of him. He had not seen it yet, and he felt that his stomach had turned into the sea.

"This roasting is very delicious! It was my colleague who brought me to eat. At first, I felt sick and could eat a little, just like opening a new world door."


Mu Yazhe feels the world is fantastic.

I have never heard of insects can eat.

"And, knowing is also very medicinal value, eating is not only harmless to the body, but also intentional. But barbecue, eat a taste, nutrition is not nutritious, there is no need to consider. Now I have not eaten skewers, I know it must be!"

Yun Shi poetry is good, and it is handed over to the boss.

Soon, a string of things came up.

When Mu Yazhe saw the first one, he suddenly stopped his mouth disgustingly.

This heavy taste woman.

I still eat pig brain.

The pig's brain is roasted, topped with chopped green onion, soy sauce, garlic, especially fragrant, oily, constantly rolling.

However, just imagine, you can't help but be discouraged.

That is the brain!

Yun Shishi has no words. "Hey, why? Look at the way you are about to spit out, is it so exaggerated?"

"It feels disgusting."

"If you take a bite, you will feel that there is such a delicious food in the world!"

The poems of the clouds are agitated.

Mu Yazhe is determined to grit his teeth and he is not willing to take a look.

Just look at it, I feel enough to nausea, and if I try again, then I don’t want to spit it out.

Perhaps most of the young people accepted Western education. For food, it is still good now. When he was younger, even if he was a fish on the table, he would not dare to speak.

Westerners are especially disgusted with the animal's head.

Especially when eating fish, a pair of eyes stunned and stunned.

However, after returning to China, he gradually accepted the Chinese food culture.

Just like the brain, the claws, the worms, and so on, he still dared to look at it and dare not taste it himself.

Yun Shishi kept him brainwashing, and it was necessary for him to taste it. "You don't want to imagine this is a brain. Just tell yourself that you are eating a piece of tofu."

"Don't eat."

Mu Yazhe’s attitude is very determined and unshakable.

Yun Shishi whispered, "Please, can you be a little masculine? I dare to eat, you still dare not eat? What is in your head, you have eaten snails!"

This is what inspired him.

Mu Yazhe twisted her eyebrows and glanced at her deeply. Finally, with a look of death, she closed her eyes and let her feed a spoonful of broken brain into her mouth.

Keep brainwashing yourself, this is tofu, this is tofu...

Mu Yazhe endured discomfort and swallowed a bite directly into the abdomen. There was no fine product.

"how about it?"

"no taste."

"You swallowed it directly?"

Yun Shi poetry is dissatisfied with the words, "If you want to have a good product, you will definitely not taste the taste, and you will have another taste!"

(End of this chapter)

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