Chapter 1822, Yu You and her fate

Miyazaki asked some curiously.

He is really amazed. How can he, sister, have such a great ability to be able to adjust/teach the ghosts that are so good?

Compared to You You, Xiao Yuchen and his mother were born in the same age, but also in the eighth month of pregnancy, how can the head be less than a half-point aura.

When he asked about Yuyou, Yuyou said, "How did Mommy adjust/teach me? She has always let me go, let me develop freely."

Miyazaki is obviously not convinced.

Can free development develop into this?

Telling the truth, he always wanted to bring Youyou back to the palace.

My father has been looking forward to this child and has given him a lot of expectations. He has been thinking about what kind of child is, can imagine the "eyes of the eye" plan, and promote research, if the research and development is successful, the future of the Hurricane Group, It will be difficult to estimate.

However, he has not confessed his friendship to his father.

Yun Shishi smiled helplessly. "I didn't adjust/teach him. You have been in poor health since childhood. All my thoughts are spent on the rehabilitation of his body."

"Poor health?"

Miyazaki raised an eyebrow.

Yu You’s body is indeed somewhat unsatisfactory. His body is very thin. Unlike Xiao Xiaochen’s sunshine, he gives people the feeling that there is a strange feeling in addition to the maturity and stability of the old-fashioned autumn.

His body seems to be very bad. Once he is strenuously moving, his heart rate is not uniform and his breathing is terrible.

He has not seen the appearance of Yuyou, but he always sees his face pale and weak.

Yun Shishi quietly said, "Well. Because it is a premature baby, plus the mother, the nutrition has been robbed by Xiao Yuchen. When he was born, he did not cry or make trouble, his face was blue and purple, and he did not even breathe. When Xiao Xiaochen was born, the crying was very loud. Although it was also a premature baby, it was very healthy. It was a blessing. It was an operation just after birth. After observing it for a long time in the incubator, it took a dangerous period.'s gone. The nurses said that if the little guys are stubborn and willing to survive, they will not be able to."

Yun Shishi said, paused and looked at him. "Is it amazing? So small children have a strong will to live! So I think that I have a fate with Youyou, he is God. Give me the best gift."

Although she said this, her expression was light and windy. However, when she was observing the dangerous period of observation, she had just finished production, but she still supported her body and painfully accompanied Yuyou.

At that time, she was desperate, full of uneasiness, and prayed all the time. This child can be safe and sound.

Every minute, every second, is suffering.

Because no one knows, what is the fate of the child in the next second?

Is it dead?

Is it alive?

Even doctors can't assert that they only have a strong will to survive, but their vitality is very fragile. They can only do their best, but whether the child can finally spend it depends on the child's creation.

Yun Shishi was shocked and afraid that the child could not keep it.

At the age of studying, she doesn't really like children.

Looking at the other children's naughty and soaring, she silently thought that if she had her own children in the future, she must be a cute and cute teacher.

But knowing that she was pregnant, she awakened her motherhood hidden in instinct.

(End of this chapter)

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