Chapter 1824 Sisters and Friends

Prior to this, she prepared a lot of carrots and vegetables in advance, and intended to feed small animals.

After successfully entering the park, Yun Shishi’s car was quickly stopped by a cute alpaca.

The animals in these safari parks are very fine. When you see the car, you will walk forward indiscreetly and intercept the car to discuss it. Some will also put your head into the window, and let your tongue lick it. , staring at them with a pair of curious and bright eyes, like a spiritual elf.

"what is this?"

Miyazaki's eyes widened in surprise, and he was very interested in holding the alpaca that stopped in front of the car and kept chewing in his mouth.

"Alpaca! Well, it has a separate name, called grass mud horse."

"It is asking us to eat?" Miyazaki asked curiously, while paying attention to the alpaca, Jun Xiao smiled slightly.

A pair of lazy eyes stared at the car, and then, taking a lazy and decadent footsteps, slowly walked to the window, put a POSS, the old **** was now heading to the window, Zhang Da mouth.

The palace was amused. "It’s really bad, you have to eat it, you have a plan!"

"It's a ghost!"

Yun Shishi laughed again. "Give it carrots, it likes carrots."

Miyazaki just took out a carrot from the crisper, and there was no feeding action. The alpaca had a fascinating light in his eyes, and he swiftly passed from his hand. The arrogant movement was undoubtedly a rush.

Gong Gong was stunned.

There is a feeling of being charged for the toll.

Yun Shishi was so funny that she couldn’t smile. Looking at the alpaca, she also wiped out a carrot. However, she looked at the crisper on the hand of the palace, and her long tongue licked his face.

Miyazaki took it away, and hugged the shoulders of Yun Shishi. "Sister save me!"

"You won't be afraid of an alpaca?"

"I hate it, it smells bad."

The palace is a bit clean and awkward, so I can't do it.

Yun Shishi is envious of it. "Small, you don't cherish it! This alpaca is very cold. Most people want to get close to it. It doesn't care. It swears at you because you like you."

"Not at all!"

Miyagaki complained, "It is clearly intended to grab my carrots, only to show me good, have a plan!"

Yun Shi Shi haha ​​laughed.

"Then you will give it to the carrot. Give it it will not wrap you around!"

Miyazaki took out a carrot and teased it. He deliberately lured it. When it was about to eat, he moved away. However, the alpaca was very persistent, and he did not know how to be angry. He looked at the hand of the palace. Carrot, it’s been a futile day, and I didn’t know what to do.

After knowing that the alpacas knew that the two-legged beast must have teased it, and a little angry, picked up his mouth and spit on his "squeaky" look.

Yun Shishi, "..."

Gong Yi, "..."

He closed his eyes and twisted his eyebrows.

His face was sticky, and his face was stiff. It seemed to be the first time that the animal was disgusted and spit.

This is abandoning him!

Yun Shi poetry said: "Live, who let you tease it."


Miyazaki said that he was jealous.

He saw it cute, so he couldn't help but want to tease it.

The result was disgusted by the alpaca.

The alpaca seems to spit out a sigh of relief, and vomits towards the palace.

Gong Gong’s reaction was quick and he avoided it sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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