Chapter 1836 Enya has an accident (2)

Hao Yu was amazed, turned and looked at the door, but saw Jiang Yan dreams of the wind and fire directly into the door, she looked around, she looked around the office, and soon saw the Jing Yazhe sitting at the desk, eager to go Come over.


Mu Yazhe was embarrassed, and at first sight was Jiang Yan’s dream, and he could not help but frown.

"Sister, what's wrong? What's so hot!"

Jiang Yan dreams can not help but complain, "Yazhe, how to call you, nowhere?"

Mu Yazhe faintly replied: "I was just in a meeting, and I just returned to the office."

"Mu Zong..." The accompanying secretary standing at the door of the door said something with a sigh of relief, and looked at Jiang Yan’s dream, apparently somewhat confused.

Hao Yu said lightly, "Go back to work!"

"Yes." The secretary nodded and closed the door.

Mu Yazhe asked, "Aunt, what?"


Jiang Yan dreams just want to make a sound, and suddenly looked at the universe with a tangled look.

Mu Yazhe also looked at him, his eyes gesticulating, and Yu Yu was also a person who knew how to look at the words, immediately took the lead and retired.

After the door was closed, Mu Yazhe said: "Let's talk."

"Yage, Enya has an accident!" Jiang Yan dreamed with tears in his eyes, and his voice trembled.

Mu Yazhe looked awkwardly, looked at her with some horror, and narrowed her eyes in confusion. "What happened?"

"Well..." Jiang Yan dream was obviously crying, his throat was hoarse, especially a pair of eyes, reddish a circle, it seems that something really happened.

"what happened?"

"I... Today morning, the servant went upstairs and knocked on the door. There was no reaction, but I heard the sound of the water flowing in the bedroom. The maid worried about something, and immediately called the cloud, cloud. The force of analysis was great, and when the door was opened, when I rushed in, I saw Enya lying in the bathtub. The bathtub was filled with water and was stained with blood..."

When Jiang Yanmeng talked about this incident, it seemed that the scene was still vivid, and his eyes were full of fear.

"What's up with her?"

Mu Yazhe vaguely heard a little clue.

"Enya she... she is too stupid, can't think of..."

"What about her now?"

"After the cloud analysis found out that something happened, she hurriedly sent her to the hospital. Fortunately, she was found to be in time and rescued. But after the girl was awake, the mood was unstable and people could not walk away. Otherwise, she did not know that she was What kind of behavior is going to be done. Now, Yundian is looking after her in the hospital. I have not dared to tell your uncle, I am afraid that he is angry."

Jiang Yan said with a lingering fear that she could not imagine that if she did not find it in time, she would have to lose this daughter forever.

Mu Yazhe listened to Jiang Yumeng and said that Song Enya was rescued, and his heart was slightly settled.

"Nothing is fine."

Jiang Yan dreamed him with a careful look, and immediately shouted: "Yage, Enya wants to see you, and tells you 'sorry'. You can see her and comfort her emotions. From the rescue room to the present, her whole person feels very decadent, lying on the hospital bed, letting Yunyan talk to her without any explanation? I hate iron and not steel, but there is no way, I have to come to For you, at the moment, she probably only listened to what you said, and the other people didn’t listen at all, we didn’t have any way to take her.”

(End of this chapter)

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