Chapter 1877, he needs me.

"I am his family, let me stay here to accompany him, okay? He needs me!"

The poems of the clouds are smashed into tunnels.

The doctor saw her attitude and persisted, and did not drive away. When she closed the door, she quickly turned back and dealt with the wound.

To treat the wound, it is just a simple injury judgment and hemostasis treatment to clean the wound and prevent secondary infection.

Yun Shishi stood on one side and fought, but Hua Jin was staring at her for a moment, but her heart was like a lot of warmth. It was extremely warm.

- "I am his family!..."

- "Let me stay with him, okay? He needs me!"


Huajin's lips trembled, and the eyelids suddenly turned to meet.

An unprecedented warmth has hit the heart.

Probably, the warmth of being guarded by family members is just that!

Yun Shishi apparently did not notice his expression, but was concentrating on the doctor's every move, not observing the expression on his face, trying to find out what information from his expression.

It can be seen that the doctor is very dignified and his brows are tight, especially the expression is serious, and sometimes he frowns deeply, but he is also worried and afraid of the wet eyes.

Hua Jin saw her look like she was about to cry, and she was distressed.


The sound of the gossip immediately alerted her.

Yun Shishi quickly came to his side, gently squatting down, carefully holding the hand he reached.

"what happened?"

"I feel so sleepy and want to sleep for a while."


At one time, Yun Shishi was anxious and fussy. He looked up at the doctor and looked for help.

"Doctor, he..."

The doctor is fully committed to the work of stopping bleeding, and she has no reason to ask her.

"Will you stay with me all the time?"

Hua Jin suddenly asked.

Yun Shishi looked back at him and nodded hard. "I will! I will stay with you!"

After a pause, she looked at him with tears in her eyes and pleaded: "Flower Jin, don't you scare me? How do you feel now? Still hurt? Where is it hurt?"

"Where it hurts..."

Today, he said that he had a few words and felt awkward, and his eyes slammed up slightly...

"do not sleep……"

Yun Shishi just wanted to say something, and suddenly there was a flustered footstep outside the door.

"The ambulance is coming!"

I don't know who was shouting outside the door. The doctor just ended the work of stopping bleeding, and immediately opened the door. Outside the door, several medical staff rushed in.

"Where is the injured?"

"Here here!"

"Is it already stopped?"

"I have already stopped bleeding, but I don't know the wound situation. I need to do further examination to know how the injury is..."

"How much blood pressure?"


A group of people were in a hurry and carried the stretcher. The medical staff placed the person on the stretcher nervously, fixed it, and hurriedly walked over to the ambulance.

Hua Jin closed her eyes and seemed to be fainting.

In the voice of the voice, Yun Shishi suddenly felt that the world was suddenly dead, and every scene she saw lost color, and all the shots became extremely slow.

The voices of those arguments are particularly harsh.

The flower brocade was placed on a stretcher, and the face was pale and pale, and it was gradually removed by the guard.

After she knew it, she felt that she had reacted and hurriedly followed up. When she came outside the hotel, Huajin had been taken to the ambulance.

(End of this chapter)

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