Chapter 1879 I did not kill

"Hello, I am a room manager. Is it Mr. Qin?"


"This is the case. May I ask Ms. Yun Shishi as a friend of your peers?"

Qin Zhou heard the words, a burst of tension, and opened the door.

The room manager stood at the door and looked irritated and embarrassed.

Qin Zhou asked, "What happened to her?"

"It is like this... Ms. Yun Shishi is suspected of intentional homicide and has been taken away by the police."

Qin Zhou a glimpse.

"Intentionally killing?"

He suddenly lost his smile. "What are you kidding?"

The room manager smiled politely. "I didn't make a joke with you."

Said, she handed over a business card with both hands, Qin Zhou took over, actually a police card of the police station, leaving the police station address and contact information.

Qin Zhou glanced at him, his expression instantly condensed into ice. He looked up and frowned, asking, "When was the person taken away?"

"It was just a quarter of an hour."

"Is it suspected of murder...who is suspected of killing, who is the victim?"

"It's a woman. For the time being, my identity is unknown. We don't know too much." The room manager said, nodding his head. "I have already reported the situation to you. What else is there?"



The room manager turned and left.

Qin Zhou violently held the business card in his hand and hurried back to the room, changed his uniform, and rushed to the police station address on the business card.

Going to the door of the hotel, I was just getting ready to take a taxi, but I saw the lights of the ambulance flashing.

He glanced over there and saw that the body had been disposed of and was about to be sent to the morgue.

It’s just the scarlet and condensed blood on the ground, even in the middle of the night, the light and shadow are faint, still very eye-catching.

The weather is cold and the blood has solidified.

Qin Zhou smashed his eyebrows and watched the departure of the ambulance. A chill came out of his heart.


In the police station, the incandescent lamp was bright and the eyes were sore.

Yun Shishi holds the cup, she does not feel thirsty, but the hand is too cold to warm.

Several police officers sat facing her, holding a pen in their hands, asking and doing a transcript.

In the inquiry room, quiet and silent, only the police officer Hong Liang powerful voice, can not stop echoing in the ears.

Is it a police officer, the voice is like Hong Zhong, is it to shock the prisoner?

The transcript has been done for an hour, and continuous inquiry made her exhausted.


It is better to say that it is interrogation than to ask, and it is more appropriate.

God knows she is in a hurry and wants to end this interrogation.

Hua Jin is still in the hospital, life and death are unknown.

Her heart could not be hovered for a moment.

However, at this moment, I have to be trapped here, doing a boring and tormentful interrogation.

Although she explained herself, it may be a way of interrogation, and these police officers completely took her as a criminal suspect for interrogation.

She really didn't kill.

She did not kill!

Yun Shishi looked tired and confronted several police officers who interrogated and re-argued. "Comrade comrades, you don't have to be so tough. I really, really don't kill! When can you let me go?"

"Is there any murder, but you have the final say! It is necessary to go through the investigation to get the result! At present, it is only a preliminary suspicion. I have not yet reached a conclusion. You don't have to argue this way again. It is a bit of a wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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