One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1883: Seems to be the wrong person

Chapter 1883 seems to admit the wrong person.

Didn't he still understate the fact that it doesn't hurt at all?

Five hours ago, he was still alive and kicking, and now why he is lying in such a room, he is dead...

Several doctors came to the room, holding reports in their hands, and looked serious, as if they were communicating.

Yun Shishi saw that their brows were close, and they only heard a few cold and cold words of "confirmation", "death" and "vital signs". They instantly lingered in place and their bodies were stiff.

Qin Zhou stood on one side, frowning fiercely, and his face showed an incredible look.

Hua Jin... dead? !

how is this possible……

Some of him can't accept this fact.

Qin Zhou stepped forward and gently held the arm of Yun Shishi. She wanted to lift her up, but she saw her stunned and half-squatted on the ground, and her eyes widened and tears burst out.

"Flower Jin, you can't die..."

The warmth of the sound is still vivid, but the cold feeling of death in front of her eyes will surround her, and she cannot accept such a cruel reality.

"Poetry, calm down..."

Qin Zhou couldn't bear it and helped her stand up.

Yun Shi’s poems squinted and burst into tears.

Her crying alarmed several doctors who immediately surrounded me and comforted the family.

"This lady, please be sorry, don't hurt."

"The world is impermanent, the dead have gone, and the living should smile and face life."

"There are dozens of things that are not good for life..."


Yun Shi poetry can't hear a word, only crying and crying, heartbroken.

Suddenly, there was a sudden and messy footstep outside the door.

The snoring of a man's heartbreaking lungs came over.

"Xiner, Xiner..."

Qin Zhou bowed and inexplicably turned around and saw a man in his twenties and thirties rushing in and rushing in. He rushed to the bed of blood-stained bed and burst into tears with his body. .

"Xiner... Xiner! What is killing a thousand knives... Which one is killing you like this?! A good person, how to say no... Say no! I still see you well in the morning!"

The man just screamed a few times, not waiting for Yun Shishi to react, and outside the door was rushed into several family members, there are men and women, and they fell to the bedside and cried.


"Daughter... my daughter..."

"Don't die, you can't die! Do you have the heart to leave your husband and children?..."


For a while, I was almost deafening and crying, and I completely cried Yun Shishi and Qin Zhou.

Especially the Yun poetry, two lines of tears still hang on the face, but the expression for a time, I do not know whether it should continue to cry, or stop and wait and see what is the situation.


What a sweet child?

I have admitted the wrong body.

Yun Shishi and Qin Zhou squinted at each other. Just in the gap between two people, the man who rushed in first suddenly stood up and turned around. He took a look at Qin Zhou and stepped forward. A hand grabbed his collar.

Qin Zhou feels inexplicable, frowning at him, and screaming, "What?!"

"Is it you! Is it you? Are you killing my family?!"

The man squirted Qin Zhou with a slobber.

Qin Zhou is even more crying and laughing. "I don't understand what you are talking about!?"

What a sweet child?

He doesn't know anything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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