One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1899: Even an apology, a gesture of highness

Chapter 1899 even apologizes, all of them are high.

So, he took her sleeves and lowered her noble head. A pair of cold dawns apologized, like a retreat, whispering in a low voice: "I'm sorry... I shouldn't miss the appointment, I shouldn't let you put it." So dangerous."

"Do you think I need your apology?"

In exchange for the weekdays, his whispering, this little woman is going to be amused by his helpless appearance.

However, at that time, Yun Shi poetry heard the words, but there was no movement, even the indifference in the eyes, the sullen is about to stab him.

"I am sorry, is that enough?"

Sorry for everything, can you make up for it?

Mu Yazhe said, "What are you going to do?"

"What do I want?" Yun Shishi looked at him with his big eyes, but he was very angry and smirked. "Mu Yazhe, why do you even apologize, are these high-profile gestures?!"

Mu Yazhe was aphasia for a moment.

This woman is so fangs, he is not good at expressing, and even less sweet talks about picking up a person, so there is no way to argue.

He clearly does not mean this.

So, must she twist her understanding of his words?

Mu Yazhe is arguing.

Yun Shishi looked at him and recovered a dead sea in the middle of the lake. He was cold and indifferent. "Come with me at the film festival. Probably, there is no Song Enya important yet?"

Her words, but I do not know whether it is intentional to provoke him, or really so tempted him.

However, just to deny, violently reacted to her words, Mu Yazhe stunned.

How did she know that he missed the appointment and was related to Song Enya.

For a time, there were many doubts in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean...? literally! Can't you understand?"

How could she know.

How did she know Song Enya...

Mu Yazhe suddenly felt over.

Could it be that Song Enya said to her, or she deliberately used this to provoke her.

Damn it!

Yun Shishi smiled coldly and said with no expression. "Don't answer the phone, is it afraid that I will be angry?"

Mu Yazhe was silent for a long time and bluntly admitted, "Yes."

Yun Shishi was affirmed, but she did not know whether to cry or to laugh. She followed a deep breath and her eyes were suddenly moist/wet.

Obviously, she will be angry when she hears about it.

But he still went without hesitation.

Leave him behind and stay with Song Enya.

For the time being, I don’t want to speculate on what it is because Song Enya said, or for another reason, but he left her agreement with her, and went to Song Enya’s side, but it was a fact of shovel!

"It’s ridiculous."

Yun Shishi bit his teeth and resisted the sourness of his heart. Every word he said was shuddering. "Since I am really afraid of being angry, why do you still have to do this! You know, how much I hate She! But she has a call, you still go! Desperate to go! Even, I pushed away the agreement with me, even a reply did not give me, I was scared, I thought you had something? I didn't expect you to ruin our agreement for a Song Enya. What am I?! Mu Yazhe, what am I? Is it not worth the agreement with me?!"


"What is that!? You said, answer me."

She was so forced that he could not retreat.

Mu Yazhe vetoed, "You don't want to make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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