Chapter 2021 I am pregnant (2)

Therefore, she is very careful with any stranger.

Just hearing such a gentle and full of excitement, Mu Yuchen’s heart suddenly fell into the air!

She didn't know, he came here to show off with her, break up?

Mu Yuchen "Well" said: "Qing Xue, it is me, open the door."

The door was quickly opened.

Mu Yuchen just walked in, the door was closed, Meng Qingxue flew into his arms, hooked his back neck and kissed his lips.

The kiss was so eager, so emotional, and suddenly infected with Mu Yuchen.

Mu Yuchen opposed her and responded to her kiss.

After a kiss, she snuggled in his arms, and the voice was a little infarct. "Oh, I miss you, miss you..."

The tone is full of helplessness and attachment, so that Mu Yuchen has been stunned for a long time, and it has actually shaken a bit!

He doesn't seem to want to cut off her with her!

Through the cold phone call, he originally planned this thing very well. When he saw her, he said the first sentence, he should be "we break up," and then the clear settlement of the settlement, she The pen is full of considerable break-up fees, and the two are not owed.

Along the way, his heart was very determined, and he had practiced the words of more than a dozen times, but at the moment he was in his throat.

Perhaps because I met, unlike the cold call, the soft and hot body is close to his arms, and even without much effort, I can feel the temperature of her skin. An intimate contact suddenly evokes his attachment to her, so some words don't seem so easy to open!

Still want her.

It seems that only in her body, he seems to be a long-lasting man.

He also couldn't figure out what the woman had to do. When she was warm with her several times, he thought emotionally, whether it was marriage or not, just leave her alone!

Even if there is no name, you can always accompany him.

At the moment, it is not the time.

At least until he gets married, he should be cut off from this woman right away.

In one aspect, the physical needs gradually defeated the rationality. Mu Yuchen kissed her emotionally, peeling off her clothes, and yelling at every part of her body, wanting her.

Meng Qingxue shook his shyly and shouted, "Oh, don't, I have something to say to you..."

"What's the matter, isn't it better to say in bed?"

He said so, the words of embarrassment made her feel scared.

Seeing that he was going to lose his position, Meng Qingxue immediately took his hand, so hard, the back of his hand almost burst into the blue veins.

He accidentally stared at her, stopped all the movements, twisted his eyebrows, "What? Don't want?"

What he wants is, at least, to be warm with her before breaking up.

The last time I was lingering in the gentle township.

After the event, it is not too late to show her with her!

But she seems to be very resistant, her face is full of reluctance.

This is not like her.

In exchange for the past, this time, she is so passionate.

Today, it seems to be not very interesting.


Mu Yuchen condensed her. "You seem to resist me today."


Meng Qingxue’s face became hotter and hotter. “I have something to tell you!”

"what's up?"

Mu Yuchen seems very impatient, just forbearing intolerance, inquiring. "What the hell, what you said is."

(End of this chapter)

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