One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2048: Not a woman, not a heartache

Chapter 2048 is not a woman of her own, not distressed

--Do not make jokes!

The understatement of the five words once again put her in a desperate situation.

Song Enya sat down on the chair completely, and his body was crumbling. He couldn’t lift the strength of his words. The tears filled his face and he cried helplessly.

"Hey... Why do you want to be so cruel to me?! I... I just want to be with you, even if I humble the way, what am I doing wrong..."

Mu Yazhe ignited a cigarette again, picking up the phone.

Yun Shishi glanced at him and suddenly felt that this man was really black.

There was still a pregnant woman sitting in front of him, but he took the cigarette in the big lama, and he ignited himself, and then he took it home.

In fact, I have not seen him so much.


He always has such ability, can give disgusting people a little disgusting!

After all, it’s not his woman. Song Enya’s belly is not his child. Naturally, there is no need to worry about anything!

If you are pregnant for Yun Shishi, don't say that you smoked yourself, that is, other strangers are smoking next to them. In exchange for the style of this overbearing man, it will be a kick, let it roll.

Thinking of this, Yun Shishi was amused by his own imagination!

What is this called?

What about guarding the donkey? !

Think about it, what is the guardian?

She is not the calf he gave birth to!

This is at best to protect the wife, what are the messes? !

Just as Yun Shi’s poems have been self-conceived, Mu Yazhe has already dialed Jiang Yan’s dream.

He had already expected that Song Enya would definitely find her the first time when she returned to China. At this moment, I am afraid that the Song family still did not know her news of returning to Beijing!

He is very much looking forward to it. If the Song family knows that such a Hulai daughter is in the family, what is the serious face of Song Zhengguo?

Eighty percent is going to be green for several days.

This time is already very late.

Jiang Yan Meng had slept early, but Song Enya had no news. She slept not well, but for more than a month, people suddenly stumbled.

Song Yun analysis comforted her to let her rest early, and nursed well, but she could not sleep well.

Half a dream and half awakened, she was awakened by the ringing tone. She thought it was Song Enya’s phone. It was fast, but it was just connected. The voice of Mu Yazhe sounded at the earpiece: “Sister, Enya is back!”

He has always been concise, long-speaking, and there is hardly any chill, so he cuts directly into the topic.

Jiang Yan dreamed to wake up. When I heard that Song Enya was back in Beijing, she was so overwhelmed and asked immediately, "Where is Enya? Can she answer the phone?"

"I am afraid I can't do it now."


Mu Yazhe glanced at the opposite side, lost his soul, and only looked at the crying Song Enya, how can the spirit of answering the phone, then said, "She has a little situation, you better take the family together, to deal with it!"


"Your good daughter, got a bunch of mess for you, if you don't have your husband, this thing, I am afraid I can't solve it?!"

- Your husband? !

This is the name of the alienation, but it is called Jiang Yan dream, and it is immediately foggy. "What the **** is it?!"

"Your daughter is pregnant."

Six words, Jiang Yan dream instantly petrified, the mobile phone in his hand fell on the floor, sizzling.

(End of this chapter)

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