Chapter 211 Truth is White

It is said that this time the reason for such a big move is because it was captured by Li Wenqing's original match.

The noise that happened this time was not small, except for the photos that flowed out, as well as the video of the sneak shot. This Li Wenqing temper is also a monkey eager. When he does things, he does not even pull the curtains. It seems that he is not afraid to sneak shots.

He does not expect that the situation will develop like this!

This report also caused a lot of oolong.

On the second day of Huanyu's annual cocktail party, the major media all made headlines early, and various star studios also rushed to produce the manuscript, in order to grab the headlines today.

However, on the early morning of the same day, Star Entertainment Media took the lead in issuing a news announcement in the media portal, saying that it was a catch-up to a small flower and dive rule to get a good position.

As soon as the notice came out, many media were dumbfounded.

No way……

The headlines they carefully crafted were actually jumped out of the way and took a bite to kill them.

At first, they thought that this was a movie to be released, and the investors made the old tricks in order to hyped the film.

They are all old rivers and lakes, and it is no stranger to this means.

Unexpectedly, at 7:00 in the morning, the news about Tang Yu and Li Wenqing’s affair was released on the hot spot.

Seeing that Star Entertainment Media seized the opportunity, the various media could no longer sit still, and they all heard the wind and rushed to dig deeper.

As a result, Tang Yu’s old-fashioned news swept through the headlines of major media portals.

Tang Yu’s black history was deeply excavated by the media from the dust of the year and the year.

"Tang Yu had done **** before the debut, and sat in the bar..."

"Tang Yu has gone to sleep in a certain group of two deputy directors and several major male actors..."

"Tang Yu and Yang Yu are out of the same door but they always fight for the exposure rate..."

"Tang Yu has oppressed a new crew who just debuted..."

Under this circumstance, Tang Yu was reluctant to be embarrassed from the beginning to the foot. Those black history that were old and unbearable were all smashed out one by one.

The most hurt is the loyal fans of Tang Yu.

On the screen, Tang Yu has always played the role of silly white sweet, pure and beautiful image circle a lot of otaku fans, but seeing the true face of the goddess is so, it is inevitable disillusionment, so the road turns black, the powder turns black, Fans of Tang Yu Weibo plummeted from 10 million to 5 million.

Actresses with a close relationship with Tang Yu, such as Yang Lan, have begun to issue customs clearance drafts, which can clear the relationship as much as possible. Now Tang Yu is ruined, and most of the stars who have a good relationship with her have chosen Mingzhe to protect themselves.

In this entertainment-to-death circle, there are also a few hot spots that have been squandered by Tang Yu’s notorious gimmicks.

"Children should not be children should not be!"

Yuyou muttered, looking at the fax machine, and the information was passed over. He walked over and took the stack of materials up. He swept over and his face was stiff.

Holding the paper all hands, can not help but tremble.

What are you...?

Is this the truth he wants?

Li Hanlin’s hesitant tone echoed in the ear. Originally, is this the reason for his concern?

At this moment, the doorbell suddenly became loud, and he returned to his mind from his thoughts. Youyou opened the closed-circuit video, but reflected the face of Yunye Cheng waiting outside the door.

Standing next to him, there was an anxious Li Qin who looked anxious and seemed to be in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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