One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2156: Isn't that a bad post?

Chapter 2156 Is that not a post?

This problem has suddenly tested Jiang Yan’s dream.

She indulged for a long while, but listened to Song Enya's broken words and said, "Mu Yuchen will definitely feel inexplicable, and then I feel that I am not ashamed! Moreover, you are not saying that Mujia is giving him a marriage. It is said that Mu Bobo gave him a good match. Lin Jia’s three thousand gold, Lin Xueya! If I take the initiative to find the door... Isn’t that upside down??”

After a pause, she reluctantly said, "Moreover, I want to say that he is pregnant with his child. Believe it or not, it is still the same thing! He has not touched me, and he is out of my stomach. Children, people must think that I am inexplicable! I don’t want to do this..."

Song Enya took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. "Besides, I have done two parent-child identifications, and then I will do it for the third time. I am afraid that my child will not be able to keep it... Mom, the child is not easy to come, I don't want to take risks! If it is gone This child, the next one, may have to suffer much! Mom, what should I do?"

"This thing, Mom will find another way!" Jiang Yan dreamed and froze, while comforting her to say, while falling into meditation.

When Song Enya was hesitating, he heard a glimpse of the face of Jiang Yanmeng. "You said that you have never been in contact with him."


"Isn't it the chance to create a close contact?" Jiang Yan dreams of authenticity.


Song Enya couldn't understand what she thought.

Jiang Yan dreams, "I heard that Mu Yanchen, the guy on the face, can be outside, but also played a lot of women, and should always hang around the nightclub bars! Waiting for the matter to pass, I am looking for Opportunity, arrange it, it will be a matter of course!"

Jiang Yan dream did not realize that she was so mean.

Song Enya was also tempted by her words, and asked, "What is the way?"

"You will know when you get there!"

"Can't you say it now?"

Song Enya is somewhat unhappy. "Mom, if you want me to cooperate, why don't you say it now?! Give me a psychological preparation. Don't come back to a 'sudden attack'. I am not prepared, not good!"

"Oh, I said, you don't feel awkward in your heart, and you don't cooperate at the time!"

Jiang Yan Meng paused, and he said the way he thought of it.

It turned out that she thought so.

Doesn't Mu Yuchen often go to nightclubs?

At that time, she arranged some people, deliberately drunk him, or put some Ecstasy in his wine, and then he was taken to the hotel, let him and Song Enya a room.

Then, do some hands and feet.

When the day is dawning, people are sober, and he sees that Song Enya, who is sleeping with himself, will naturally suspect that she was lingering with her because she was drunk last night.

Doesn't this have a legitimate reason?

Naturally, this child will have a foundation!

At that time, naturally, you can negotiate with Mu Yuchen with your conditions!

With the status and background of the Song family, as long as the conditions are opened and he negotiates, Mu Yuchen will eventually recognize it.

Song Enya heard this, his face was red, and he always felt that Jiang Yan dreamed to do this, and there was no difference between selling her!

But things have evolved to this point, and she is not allowed to hesitate so much.

The embarrassment she provoked must be compensated by her, isn’t it? !

(End of this chapter)

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