Chapter 2182, the performance of the fire

Song Enya groaned and painfully groaned. "Oh, my brother, I have been... I have always treated you like a brother! But you... but you actually did this to me... I should not believe in you! I should not believe it. Yours! Last night, no matter what you said, you shouldn't believe in you. You should leave you in the bar, no matter what you are! But... Who told me soft? Who told me soft!? See you drunk A pool of mud, a mouth is reading a woman's name, I can't bear it, I feel bad about you, afraid of throwing you in the bar, what dangers, so kindly say to send you home! But... but……"

When it comes to the key places, her tears are even more turbulent.

Mu Yuchen was anxious in his heart, but forced himself to endure, patiently listening to her.

Song Enya wiped her tears and spoke intermittently about what happened last night. From her narrative, Mu Yuchen vaguely knew what happened last night.


Last night, after Lin Xueya’s disappointment, he was upset and wanted to go to Meng Qingxue. But she just thought that she was always full of sadness, and could not help but feel anxious, so she went to the bar. In it, I ordered a few bottles of wine and tried to borrow alcohol to eliminate the troubles in my heart.

I can drink halfway, just in time to meet Song Enya who is also playing in the bar.

When Song Enya saw that he was alone and drunk, he offered to accompany him to drink.

Mu Yuchen was not confused at the time, still awake, some consciousness, but also a state of sorrow.

Later, I didn't know what happened. Song Enya and he drank a few cups, and he was completely drunk.

Song Enya was originally worried that he was drunk, so he said that he would ask the car to send him home.

But he was so drunk at that time, his mouth always called Meng Qingxue's name, screaming not to go home, going to Meng Qingxue.

Song Enya cried and said, "How do I know who the name you have been calling in your mouth?! You said that you want to go to the woman, but I don't know the address, ask you, you don't say, scream With that name. I really can't help, so I thought, I will send you to the hotel, at least, wait until you are awake!"

So Song Enya called the car and sent him to the hotel.

Along the way, Mu Yuchen began to move her hands and feet, holding her, but called Meng Qingxue's name.

Song Enya endured, originally intended to send him to the room, and left.

Just pushed the door of the room, she was hugged by Mu Yuchen in her arms, let her struggle, he did not let go, holding her all the way stumbled into the bedroom, she fell on the bed, then Crazy to take her for herself.

After listening to Mu Yuchen, the whole person was a little confused.


What she said is indeed the same thing.

Although I don’t know much about the memory of last night, I can still remember that there is a woman who is constantly struggling, begging for mercy, crying...

The feeling of breaking through that barrier is so clear.

He thought that the woman was Meng Qingxue. Therefore, she was unscrupulous and unscrupulous. She pressed her and tried several times until she was completely exhausted. This fell on the bed and completely lost consciousness.

Thinking of this, Mu Yuchen Yu Guang glanced at the blood of the stars falling on the bed, and the eyelids were fighting badly.

Is it...

The difference between a thought and a real thing.

It is not the first time that such a thing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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