Chapter 220 The Mind of the Small Milk Packet~

Li Hanlin's eyes were pumped.

This child...

The mind is deep.

They called him helpless.

Previously, he received his call, but his mobile phone heard his painful cry for help. He immediately put everything in his hand and rushed over. When he just opened the door, he saw him fall to the ground. He immediately rushed up and hugged him. See him fainting in the past, I don’t know what he is, I’m stunned by others, I’m not awake, I’m just going to give him artificial respiration, but I didn’t expect the small milk bag to blink, just a few people’s The effect was actually awake.

When he woke up, he gave him a slap and took his face to the side. "nausea!"

Just when Li Hanlin was extremely wronged, he saw the little guy leaning weakly in his arms, breathing quickly and his face rising red.

He quickly asked what was going on, and he immediately pointed to the medicine box on the cupboard, "take it... take it..."

Li Hanlin immediately took the medicine box, the little guy struggling to pull out the medicine bottle and ate a medicine, but the symptoms still had no improvement.

He hurriedly sent him to the public hospital, took first aid measures, and the condition was finally relieved.

However, his request made him a little embarrassed.

"Wait, if my mommy calls you, I will trouble you to make my illness worse."

Li Hanlin heard the words and his eyes widened. "Cloud, aren't you the most distressed of your mommy? Are you not afraid of her worry?"

"Don't she be worried about me?" Yuyou asked dissatisfiedly, blocking him from being speechless.

Li Hanlin pondered for a long time, as if he had something to say.

"I left me alone at home, day and night, shouldn't she blame herself?"


"So, once, just let her feel more distressed and distressed me." Youyou said, bowed his head and tightened the corner of the quilt. The tight eyebrows seemed to his helplessness. "If people lose only, they know how to cherish. If they really lose, they will never come back."

So, there was a phone call just now.

He has always been a distressed mom, no matter how small, anyone who can take care of himself, he never has too much demand for this idiot mommy, just ask her to take care of herself, he is relieved.

But he found out that sometimes, rather than being weaker, relying on her more, Mommy's mind will be more devoted to him.

"Oh." Youyou nodded, his eyebrows whispered. "I don't think you are serious enough. What is not good, you should not say that."

He was silent for a moment, his eyes were cold, and suddenly he said, "You should say, I almost died."

The curvature of Yun Tianyou’s mouth and black belly measured the chill of Li Hanlin.

This child... is really inscrutable.

Is he really only six years old?

However, his words are not exaggerated.

If it wasn't for him to arrive in time, Yun Tianyou's illness worsened, it was really dangerous.

Li Hanlin understands that the reason why he asked him to say this is just a means.

The world of children is purely extreme. They don’t know how to go back and don’t know what means. Although Yun Tianyou said that in the children, it is considered to be a group of people, and the extraordinary business is difficult for other children.

But deep inside, but also very simple. He only knows that if he is weak in performance and pitiful, Mommy will care more about him and feel more distressed.

Yun Tianyou slowly lay down and said: "I can't lose to the man. I have to take Mommy's heart back."

Li Hanlin looked at the small milk bag curled up into a ball on the bed, shook his head helplessly, and he felt distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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