Chapter 2210 Suspicion (4)

The Secretary suddenly deducted the desktop and sternly asked, "Is there any possibility of robbery?"

The captain hesitated, "It is also possible, but the prisoner's guilty murderous tactics have never been seen before. I have never seen it, with concentrated sulfuric acid to rob. Only some hunger will make such cruel things!" ”

When the Secretary heard this, he looked at Mu Yazhe in a complicated way and asked carefully, "Mu Zong, huh, huh... You see, is this injured person having any enemies in the weekdays?"

The captain also said, "I also suspect that it is revenge for revenge. It is only a short while, there is no hard evidence, so the case has been put on hold and it is difficult to make progress."

Mu Yazhe said with no expression, "I have to look at the monitoring of the community."

The captain immediately said, "All the good surveillance videos, I have copied into the notebook, if you want to see, you can always."

The Secretary immediately told him to take the notebook.

After the notebook was taken over, he took dozens of video screens, and Mu Yazhe sat in front of the notebook, staring at the screen intently. The timeline stretched until 10 o'clock in the evening until 1 o'clock in the incident, according to X4 speed. Progress.

The community is indeed a bit old, because many households owe property fees, the property has been half-finished, leaving only one empty shell, there is a security booth guarding, and there have been problems in law and order for many years.

In addition to stealing, there are often some robberies.

However, in most cases, the prisoners are coming to the property, and after stealing their belongings, they will not do anything that hurts their personal safety.

The monitoring of the garage was still brand new. It was still the residents who had been protesting that the car was stolen one after another and the property was installed with a new one.

Mu Yazhe dispatched the video back and forth, sitting there, and saw it for more than two hours.

The director and the captain are also patient, accompanied by watching, three pairs of eyes, they are counting on so many videos, can find even a little clues.

Just after observing the surveillance video, Mu Yazhe suddenly thought of something. “Is there monitoring on the side of the road near the unit building?”

"There is one, but one is a small path, close to the garage."

He listened to the captain's analysis of the route of the scene, and vaguely remembered that he had mentioned a shortcut to the unit building.

The captain also reacted violently.

The monitoring on that road seems to have not been noticed!

Because it is a small corner, it is not too much.

"Take it out and see!"

Mu Yazhe ordered.

The captain immediately acted skillfully and quickly transferred the monitor.

Adjusted to the time, X8 speed fast forward, finally, at 11:45, saw the figure of Yunyecheng.

That night, he was wearing a white dress, so he was particularly eye-catching.

This new dress, or Mu Yazhe accompanied Yun Shishi to buy Yunye Cheng, Yunyecheng especially likes.

After the passing of Yunye, soon, a suspicious figure appeared.

A short-haired person, not tall, but not short, wearing a black dress, buckled with a beret, very ordinary dress, it is difficult to attract attention.

It's the kind of ordinary, walking through the street, there is no one to pay attention to.

A dark black dress is almost integrated into the night, and with limited monitoring of the pixels, only his back can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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