One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2224: Let him be responsible for you!

Chapter 2224 makes him responsible for you!

"What can I do?"

Lu Jingtian said, "The good things he has to do must make him take responsibility!"


Song Enya went to lick her mouth in a panic, "Small!"

"Enya! This is not a shameful thing! You are innocent, the victim, what is good to cover up! It is best to make troubles in the city, everyone knows, let Mu Yichen stand up and be responsible for you. !"

"But... I don't dare!"

Song Enya retreats.

Lu Jingtian said, "What are you afraid of?! You wait, on the day of charity night, will Mu Yuchen not attend?! By the time, I will help you and tell him that you don't have to feel embarrassed. It’s him who is shameful!"

Song Enya was moved. "Jing sweet, thank you! Thank you very much! Do so for me."

Lu Jingtian smiled and said, "We are good friends! Don't worry, although Mu Yuchen has done such a thing, if you are pregnant, you will not refuse to admit you!"


"Okay! It’s no use thinking so much now! Come and pick me up."

"it is good."

Lu Jingtian turned around, behind the helplessness of Song Enya’s face suddenly disappeared, revealing a proud smile.

When the dress was chosen to come out, Lu Jingtian proposed to go shopping in the nearby shopping malls and buy bags. Song Enya shirked that he was uncomfortable and wanted to go back to rest.

One person is also boring, Lu Jingtian has no interest in shopping, so at the door, he waved goodbye.

Song Enya took a taxi directly home, and Lu Jingtian’s car was in the parking lot.

At this moment, it is too late.

She stepped on the high heels and walked to the parking lot. At night, the wind was a little bigger, and her steps accelerated.

Cold, I heard the footsteps behind me.

The path to the parking lot, sparsely populated, dimly lit streetlights, slanting the shadow of the person.

She initially doubted her auditory hallucinations, so she slowed down, but she slowed down and the man behind her went slower.

The two people stayed a few meters away in tandem.

Lu Jingtian couldn't help but have a little vigilance. He paused and stepped back slightly.

Yu Guang, vaguely glimpsed the strange shadow behind him. She jerked back and looked at it, but she saw a man in a black dress, and also stopped behind her.

The man was wearing a hooded sweater. Because of the hat, a face was buried in the darkness. It was not really cut, but when two people looked at each other, Lu Jingtian suddenly felt amazed. The murderous eyes were fixed on her.

Seeing her stop, the black man did not hesitate too much. When he decided to do so, he lifted his footsteps and walked quickly toward her.

Lu Jingtian suddenly saw that this person had a dagger in his hand. Under the streetlight, he flashed the brilliance and shocked her!


Lu Jingtian was so frightened that he was ecstatic, screamed and turned and ran towards the direction of the car!

The black man behind him also quickly caught up.

Lu Jing’s sweetheart was timid, worried about what the robbers were, and ran away until they saw their white car, like a drifting man who saw a driftwood, and the head rushed over and slammed the car. window.

"Open the door! Open the door!!"

A series of exclamations alerted the driver.

The driver quickly unlocked, Lu Jingtian pulled the door and jumped into the car and closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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