Chapter 229

Yun Shishi supported the forehead of the headache and said: "If I have such a daughter, I will be ashamed! You play the role of a kind mother in front of everyone, but do you really care about me? Even your daughter. I don’t care much about it! She is gambling outside, do you know? She is taking drugs outside, do you know? Yes, I am a sister, so she has made so many things, which time is not for me to clean up her mess. Have you ever managed? Have you asked? Her enemies have found my door to collect debts, lost work, and saved money to pay for her. What are you going to do? Mom, are you a vampire? Are you going to **** my blood before you stop??"

One word, Li Qin said red face.

Mu Yazhe looked awkward and couldn't help but think of the day she collided with her. She seemed to be holding a box, and the lonely face looked like she was swept out of the company.

Was it because of this?

"I advise you, instead of asking for people everywhere, it is better to educate your daughter before this. Today, she was ruined by people, tomorrow? The disaster is out of the mouth, why every time something happens, but Want me to bear the consequences for her?! Why?"

After a pause, she said: "I have no time and you spend time! You are still waiting for me, you stop me, I will not be polite to you!"

After the poems of Yunshi were finished, they turned around and wanted to leave, but they rushed into the door and took the bill, staying in the original Yunyecheng.

"Dad..." Yun Shishi stunned.

She didn't know how long he had stood outside the door, and how much she heard her words.

"Poetry, is this true?" Yunye asked slyly. "She is taking drugs outside and still gambling? Are you paying for her?"

As soon as I saw Yunye, Yunna was trembling with fear.

The **** cloud poetry, shake these things out for what! ?

This is not to kill her! ?

"Dad, don't ask, I don't want to say. For this family, I have paid for it, but this family does not welcome me. I don't welcome me, I am gone!" Yun Shishi sulking her head and passing by him "Sorry, I am sick, I am not in the mood to say this."

Blessing is sick?

Yunye Cheng was shocked. He just wanted to catch up and ask clearly, but he saw that Mu Yazhe turned around and gave him a cold look.

Sharp eyes, shocked him to stop, no longer dare to go forward.

"Mr. Yun, I suggest you to clean up the chores first. If you don't handle it, I don't mind intervening."

The implication is that if he shoots, it will not make Li Qin and Yunna better.

After all, Mu Yazhe followed the Yun Shishi and disappeared into the corner of the corridor.

The cloud industry went into the ward and looked up at Li Qin’s uneasy face, his face blackened.



Responding to her is a slap in the face of anger.

Li Qin squinted at his face, and did not expect that he would actually hit her. Between the wrong gods, Yunyecheng was on the palm of his hand. This time, the strength was even greater. Li Qin was planted with the head and hit the cabinet. The head broke blood.

Yunyecheng also did not care about other people in the ward at the moment. The fire caused him to lose his sense of reason: "Things that are humiliating, but also that things are not chaotic!? Are you jealous? Reach out and ask people for money!? How did I ask you such a wife and throw me the counter of the cloud house!"

Yunna was scared to hide back into the corner.

"I don't want this for Nana either!" Li Qin licked his forehead and whimpered.

(End of this chapter)

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