Chapter 2325 Chapter City Wind and Rain

"I will check the situation."

"Beep beep -"

This guy quickly hangs up the phone, it is estimated that he is looking for Gu Xingze to verify the situation.

Yun Shi Shi sighed, silently wiped the water on the glass, and took a mouthful of mouthwash.


Youyou broke into the door and rushed in with tears in his mobile phone. "Mummy, are you derailed?!"


Yun Shishi was shocked by this shocking sound of the door, and it was a mouthful of mouthwash. He turned his face and saw Youyou holding his mobile phone. He walked over with pain and grief. " Did you go out with your eyes last night?"


Yun Shishi silently stared at him.

But see Youyou crying with pears and rain, holding the mobile phone and lifting it to her, tears, "You don't tell me, you and Gu Xingze went to the hotel, it was the script!"

Early in the morning, the phone was sent.

Because he paid attention to the microblog of Yun Shi poetry, this hot search was quickly sent in the form of push.

Youyou saw a big shock, and rushed over with his mobile phone.

"that's not me!"

Yun Shishi couldn't explain it. "Stupid, look at it clearly. Is the woman in the photo your mommy?!"

Youyou suspicion and then carefully identified, swearing, "Yes."


Yun Shishi gave him a burst of excitement. "My own kiss Mommy will admit mistakes! I am too disappointed with Youyou."

Youyou immediately looked at his mobile phone and looked at it. He finally took a sigh of relief and patted his chest gently. He almost shed tears with excitement. "Scared me. It was wrong to read it wrong! It is not a mummy on the photo. Mommy's legs are not so short."

"I doubt that your mommy and other men are stealing/love!?" Yun Shishi's eyes are dangerous and gloomy.

Youyou immediately explained with a long leg. "Mummy, Youyou knows it is wrong! Youyou just woke up, the diffraction is not good."

Yun Shishi gracefully wiped his face with a towel and snorted with enthusiasm.

"Hey! Now explain what else is used, come and drag it out."

Yuyou hugged her for another explanation. He suddenly said strangely. "However, this woman looks like a mum, and it shouldn't be specially made according to Mommy's look?"

"Who knows, I don't care."

Yun Shishi opened his small claws. "Let's go, Mommy is too late."

She just walked out of the bathroom, and Yuyou was behind her, and she was very diligent. "Mummy has a job today?"

"Well, it’s full."

"Then I will prepare breakfast for Mommy."

"No, I don't have time." Yun Shishi took a sandwich from the refrigerator and heated it up. Yuyou handed the hot milk to her.

"When you are at home with Xiao Xiaochen, don't bully your brother. I will remember to wake up and get up at work."

"Oh, I got it!"

You Yu eyes to leave Yun Shi poetry to leave.

In the room, Xiao Yuchen also rushed out with a mobile phone, but saw Youyou standing in the entrance, turned around, two small milk bags face each other.


"Going to work."


Xiao Yuchen scraped the past and asked with a worried look. "Have you seen Weibo?"


"This is it……"

Xiao Yuchen immediately put the phone in front of him, and Youyou glanced at it, his face suddenly became cold.

"What should I do? This woman in the photo will not be Mommy?"

(End of this chapter)

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