Chapter 2351, I broke off with her.

Gu Xingze suddenly said, "Today, take a long shot, wait for her state to be good, then make up the close-up."

"this is okay too!"

The director deliberately asked, "The poetry, the back is always no problem? Hold on for a while, and finish the morning and go home to rest."

"it is good."

The next shot was exceptionally smooth.

When Gu Xingze’s filming was over, he left.

Yun Shishi left to shoot and Huajin's opponent play, after the end, it is already seven o'clock in the evening.

When I left the crew, I had a brocade to say that I wanted to take care of the poetry car of Yun Yun poetry. The reason is very simple.

"My car broke down halfway this morning and was dragged to the garage."

Yun Shishi was amazed. "Your car... anchored?"

"Well, I just bought a used car, 300,000 used Mercedes-Benz, but it is estimated that the profiteer is black, the car is very bad, and the situation is always out."

"Second-hand car?"

Yun Shi Shi suspicion, "I remember you also have your own nanny car and private car, you were not the GT-R before?"

Hua Jinyu has a face to death. "I don't care, anyway, I want to marry your nanny car. I haven't experienced such a luxurious nanny car yet."

Yun Shishi silently spit out the channel, "Hua Jin, you seem to have become very lonely recently."

The voice just fell, and the flower Jin next to him suddenly stopped.

Yun Shishi turned back unexpectedly, but saw him standing in the same place, looking like a smile, she was a bit strange, "What?"

Hua Jin said innocently, "Where do I look so lonely?"

"Compared to the "Dangguo" crew, at that time, you opened a sports car with a bag, seven or eight assistants and agents, and you have a lot of scenery. You may have a lot of low-key recently, GT- R does not open, open used cars."

"Because I can't afford a new car! I can't afford a new Mercedes."


Yun Shishi curiously said, "What about your GT-R?"

"Give it back to her."


The poems of Yun Shi took a moment and did not react for a while.

Han Jin raised her face and smiled. "I broke off with her."

Yun Shishi looked at him dumbly and reacted for a few seconds. Only then did she realize that the "she" in Huajinkou was pointing to her, and her face could not help but emerge with a hint of surprise and gratification. "You broke off with her?"


Han Jin slowly followed her and looked at Tiandao. "After she broke off with her, she bought my car, designer jewelry, apartment, credit card, and gave it back to her. In order to compensate her, I took my personal name. All the assets, all transferred to her name, um... Of course, there are still some fractions left."

“What is the fraction?”

"One million is not enough."

Yun Shi’s poems are awkward. “A lot of fractions are so much? I didn’t expect you to be a local tyrant.”

"Do you think?"

Han Jin proudly said, "Since I debuted, I have paid for the endorsement, plus some investment, and I have earned two or three billion yuan."

Yun Shishi was shocked. "I am God, so much?!"

“Well, I made a photo album last year and sold millions of copies in Asia.”

"so much?"

"Of course! In Japan and South Korea, there are also my fans. Before I played a movie in Asia, I sold the copyright. In Japan and South Korea, the ratings broke. The company was hot, and in order to get through the market, the photo was released. And the album. However, the market in Japan and South Korea has been sluggish recently."

Resist THAAD=w=Start from me!

(End of this chapter)

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