Chapter 2354 Monster! (1)

Her eyes are bleak and her eyes are gray.

If it is not the chest that still undulates, I really can't see it. This is still a living person, only a charred body.

Lu mother couldn't bear it anymore, turned and smothered Lu Bosheng's clothes, and reluctantly said, "Is there really no way?! Bo Sheng, are you watching your daughter so alive and suffering?! She... how good is it for her to go on like this?"

"What can I do? What can I think?! If I can suffer these pains for her, I naturally have no hesitation! But I have not given me this option, I have no choice, I am also helpless! You think... Do you think I want to watch her suffer?!"

Lu Bosheng was so sad that he couldn’t help himself. He sighed with a deep sigh and suddenly lowered his voice. “If I can, I don’t think about euthanasia, but... I can’t beat that big courage! And maybe she wants it too well. If you live, you may have a strong will to survive! You are her mother, you must be stronger than her!"

Euthanasia! ?

When Lu Mu heard this vocabulary, he suddenly slammed him, and suddenly pushed him away. The words were sharp and forced to ask. "Are you crazy?! She is your daughter, do you want to kill her by yourself?! You are you crazy?!"

Lu Bosheng saw his own words being misinterpreted, waving his hand irritably and saying to her, "You are calm! Be calm! We need to calm down now!"

When he finished, he pushed the door open and went out to smoke in the corridor.

Lu mother suddenly fell into the chair, rubbed her face, wanted to cry, but held back, after all, did not fall out of a tear.

Sometimes, people are in great grief and tears can't flow out.


From the rescue room, and then to the ICU, for a long half-month, the pain is difficult.

After five painful dressing changes, Lu Jingtian finally passed the infection period and finally tried to get out of bed.

Getting out of bed means getting into the rehabilitation period right away.

The doctor repeatedly said that the rehabilitation period may be very long. She is a severe burn, and the nerve tissue around the muscle memory is damaged. If she does not train, it will inevitably lead to muscle atrophy.

Rehabilitation is painful, but it is painful to face.

After Lu Jingtian got out of bed, he tried to walk two rounds back and forth in the ward on the first day, and he was sorely panting.

The next day, I finally tried to walk four rounds. Slowly, she could already try to push the door of the ward and walk outside the ward.

Lu Jing’s sweet heart slowly floated a little gratified and finally felt the joy of being a human being again.

She thought that in the future life, as long as it is not in the mirror, it should be no problem.

Trying to live, even for the bright sunshine, for the beautiful sunset, although she wants to give up her life more than once, she is more than once attached to the beauty of life.

She still has a lot of regrets that have not yet been completed.

Her body recovered well and was very optimistic. The doctor also said that if she recovered according to this situation, she might be able to keep her legs and spare amputation.

Lu Jingtian was encouraged and the encouragement of the doctor gave her a glimmer of hope.

If, in the future, medical technology is developed, it may not be too difficult to reshape the appearance.

She is so comforted by herself, constantly urging herself to try to cheer herself up.

(End of this chapter)

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