One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2358: Don't want to drag them down

Chapter 2358 does not want to drag them down

Because the children’s words are unscrupulous and unintentional, they are intimidated by Lu Jingtian’s appearance and shouted a few “monsters”. It’s probably because of these words, Lu Jingtian looked for a mirror and wanted to examine his own looks. Right?

However, this nurse did not say so.

The dose of sedative is very small, so when she wakes up again, it is already three in the morning.

This evening, Lu Bosheng stayed with the night, Lu Jing sweetened clearly, her mother has been accompanying for two consecutive nights, exhausted, tonight, it is time to go back to rest, and instead of her to accompany the night, it is Lu Bosheng .

Lu Bosheng is a senior executive of the company. He has to deal with a lot of things every day. Therefore, lying down, falling asleep when he closes his eyes, sleeps heavily, and sometimes makes a heavy snoring. It seems that he is really tired.

Lu Jingtian suddenly turned her head and looked at the moonlight outside the window. Through the glass of the window, she saw the endless night, and in an instant, she had already made a decision.

When she made this decision, she was so stunned that she could calm down, and her face would not be any illusion, just like the deep waters of the abyss.

Lu Jingtian suddenly sat up slowly and tried to sit up.

The bed frame of the hospital was a little thin, and it quickly made a "squeaky" sound. She was alert and turned, and looked at Lu Bosheng who was sleeping on the sofa. In the dark, he still heard his very smooth snoring. This strange sound did not seem to alarm him. Lu Jingtian felt lucky and felt slack.

She silently opened the quilt, struggling to move a pair of legs, slowly laying down the bed, holding the bed, bit by bit, landing hard, standing up, doing this series of actions, it took her a few minutes The time, and a cold sweat, the inconvenience caused by the action, but can no longer make her sad.

Because, it will soon be over!

End the days of suffering!

It’s good to have such a determination!

Lu Jingtian thought about it while holding the bed and slippers on the bed. Then, the step went to the door with great weight.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at the father lying on the sofa. Her movement from the bed was not small, and she was even a bit harsh. I must have been tired and sleepy. I was immersed in my sleep and could not wake up.

She reached out and touched the doorknob. It was cold and cold. Just like her resolute heart at the moment, she suddenly thought that she would be separated. Should she be a farewell ceremony? !

Lu Jingtian thought of this, and could not help but drop his tears.

To say no care, it must not be.

She still has a lot of concerns.

People will die, and their words will be good.

She thought that she would soon make a decision with this world. Therefore, knowing that she was going to say goodbye to the world, she suddenly felt a great feeling in her heart.

This time, the most regrettable thing is probably young and frivolous, dissatisfied with discipline, and asked my father and mother to suffer a lot of grievances, and often provoke them to be angry.

Until the last moment, presumably, it will inevitably bring a lot of pain to them.

Originally, I wanted to write a suicide note, but I can forgive her. It is so difficult to hold the pen now.

She has been deliberate, although deep, her own decision to leave, will certainly bring them a great pain, but the pain is only short-lived, and soon, their days will return to calm.

(End of this chapter)

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