Chapter 2361 Event Fermentation

Although Huanyu officially repeatedly protected the news, there were still keen reporters who sniffed a trace of news and stayed at the hospital. They quickly learned about it and quickly released the news.

——“The newcomer Lu Jingtian suffered an accident and was overwhelmed during the recovery period. She jumped from the rooftop and died.”

- "Lu Jingtian is actually Lu Bosheng's love for women? The death of Lu Bosheng's mourning woman, sudden myocardial infarction, after rescue, has been out of danger."

- "Lu Jing sweet fire disfigured, all the words are gray, jumping from the roof, the young life will fall."

——“Investigate the female actress of the top ten fragrant Xiaoyu in the entertainment circle.”

On Weibo, it was another violent storm.

When the public heard the news, they were immediately stimulated by the desire to explore.

The entertainment industry has always been transparent to the public, the more red, the more standing on the cusp of the artist, the more difficult to ensure undisturbed personal life.

Some time ago, Lu Jingtian was disfigured by the fire because of an accident, and still lingers on the hot search page of Weibo.

Despite her debut, there was no work. Some time ago, "Green Fruit" was shown, she played a supporting role in the play, and she had some popularity, but it did not bring her considerable popularity.

However, a star has been disfigured and the public's concern is beyond imagination.

Now, shortly after, Lu Jingtian once again reported the news of suicide, and the netizens suddenly boiled!

They can't wait to understand the first-hand news.

- How did Lu Jingtian commit suicide?

- Why did Lu Jingtian commit suicide?

——The horror of Lu Jingtian jumping off the building?

——The painful thinking brought by Lu Jingtian incident?

- Is Lu Jingtian really dead? Or company hype?

"Yesterday, a female star seems to have committed suicide by jumping off the building!"

"Ah, I know, is it called 'Lu Jingtian'?! My sister is the nurse of the hospital. At the time of the incident, she was also on the scene! I heard that the death is particularly miserable and the head is broken! ”

"God, why can't you think about it?"

"I heard that because of an accident, I was disfigured. It is estimated that I lost my faith in living and chose to end my life?!"

"It's pitiful, but isn't her father very rich? If there is money, do the skin grafting? Don't you want to die?"

"Oh! The things in the entertainment circle, one or two sentences can't be said clearly! Who knows?"


"The one who played a supporting role in "Green Fruit", called "Lu Jingtian", actually jumped to death last night."

"It's terrible! It must be very painful to jump off the building. Why should she not think so?"

"The white-haired man sent a black-haired man. Her parents fell ill and were sent to the rescue room. I don't know how it is now!"

"Oh, I can't understand what the rich people want to do."


For a time, this incident of suicide and jumping off the building has instantly become a talk of the public after a meal.

In fact, very few people really care about a life. Why is it fallen or not? The fate of Lu Jingtian’s departure is a big blow to Lu’s family.

For this incident, the vast majority of Internet users are purely curious.

There are even a lot of boring people who can't wait to explore the truth of the matter, catch up with the details, threaten to let the media restore the truth of the matter, and even put forward conspiracy theories.

(End of this chapter)

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