Chapter 2363 Report

Lu Jingtian’s events are constantly fermenting.

On Weibo, many media have written drafts, or mourned, or expressed their opinions. In short, the keyword “Lu Jingtian Suicide” has become the hottest news in the entertainment industry.

In fact, Lu Jingtian is not particularly famous, but it is an unknown artist who has not had the opportunity to be exposed to the public too much.

If she simply committed suicide by jumping off the building, it would not be surprising that the heat of two days faded.

However, Lu Jingtian’s incident was not simple. He was suspicious. Since she was hospitalized, her work on burns has become a topic of public concern.

With the media’s hype and exploration, the public’s desire to explore is also hoisted!

Although it is a small star, for the public, there is nothing left to do. After a meal, this incident has become a talk. On the Internet, many netizens have questioned:

How did she burn?

In the video released by the police, who is the suspected black man in that picture? !

Will it be murder? ?

Is Lu Jingtian disfigured?

If it is a vendetta, is there a result of the investigation?

Did the gangster catch it? !

If it is not a vendetta, then is there any hidden danger in the law and order of the capital?

Just when this matter has not yet been fully explained, Lu Jingtian’s suicide by jumping off the building quickly swept the headlines of major media.

The incident of Lu Jingtian’s suicide has been confusing from the beginning to the end.

Just two days after the incident, Huanyu released a painful obituary and announced the incident.

The obituary said: "Our dearest Lu Jingtian died on February XX, XX, due to suicide by jumping off the building. At the age of 23, I would like to obey. Lu Jingtian is a popular popularity of Xiaohua Dan, with the debut of "Green Fruit" Because of her outstanding acting and pure appearance, she has gained a lot of praise. However, just a month ago, because of an accident, she was burned by fire, and 85 percent of the burned area caused serious disfigurement and even injury. Since the incident, the company has been paying attention to her recovery. Family, friends and fans have also constantly encouraged her. I hope she can get out of her grief as soon as possible and work hard to actively cooperate with the treatment. The recovery situation is ideal. Just a week ago, she successfully passed the dangerous period and the infection period. At the moment when everyone was excited, two days ago, there was an unfortunate loss - our dear Jing Tian still could not get out of the disfigured The pain, at 3 o'clock in the morning two days ago, jumped from the roof of the hospital building and died. It should have been a beautiful flower season, but it was fragrant and jealous. We feel sad and regret. At this moment, there are more words. Language, they both looked pale and weak, the dead are gone, the living predicament, only hope that King sweet all the way! "

Once the obituary was released, many netizens who were still skeptical about this suicide incident completely believed!

In the past few days, the incident of suicide by Lu Jingtian has become the hottest headline, and even the Li Xianger, who was once speculative, has been squeezed.

And Li Xianger?

How can we be willing to give up?

Nature does not stop.

EASE company has been mad at the madness, and has no regard for adapting to the market. Even during the sensitive/sensing period of Lu Jingtian's head seven, the hype has become more and more resentful to the public. Many netizens have proposed to block Li Xianger and entertain the entertainment industry. A piece of pure land.

This book is going to be a holiday for myself because it has been serialized for more than a year and is open all year round. These days, I am running at high speed... I am going to Changsha today! ~Do you have Changsha's friends recommend some Changsha specialties?

(End of this chapter)

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