One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2365: The meaning of wedding photos

Chapter 2365 The meaning of wedding photos

No wonder this is one of the attractions that many adventure lovers come to.

This rock is not big. It can only accommodate a few people standing on it. If you want to board it, you must take the cable car to reach the mountainside and then climb a step. However, you have to work **** the giant tongue and appreciate the scenery. It is hard to say!

If you climb up, will there be a sense of accomplishment? !

Yun Shi poetry thought quietly.

However, it will inevitably be dangerous.

Mu Yazhe said to her, "Maybe, not long after, this spectacular landmark will soon disappear."

Yun Shishi asked questioningly, "Why?"

"Do you know how this Trolltunga was formed?"

Yun Shishi shook his head.

He whispered, "Trolltunga suspended in the air is the result of weathering of the rock. The long-term wind and sun and rain, taking away the broken rock, leaving only the hard part standing, perhaps, over time As it goes, it will fall below the cliff."

Trolltunga was formed more than 10,000 years ago, and the water melted by the glaciers eroded most of the rocks over the years, eventually forming such a peculiar landscape.

After the filming, the group returned to the hotel.

Yun Shishi is still immersed in the shock of Fang Cai. This Norwegian shooting attraction is still the opinion of Mu Yazhe. She naturally is pleased to answer it. On the way, she is still curious about what unique landscape is there in Norway.

However, until I saw Trolltunga with my own eyes, Yun Shi’s poems were deeply shocked. After the end of the trip, I still had no idea what to do!

"How did you come to Trolltunga?"

Yun Shi poetry can not help but curious.

“I have seen it in magazines before, and some of the big films taken by mountain climbers have been shocked. I thought of it all at once.”

Mu Yazhe paused and asked, "How do you ask this?"

"What magazine?"

"Geography magazine."


Yun Shishi raised an eyebrow and had some accidents on his face. "It turns out that you don't just watch financial magazines!"

"of course!"

Mu Yazhe couldn't help but bounce her forehead and asked in disappointment. "Is it so bad in your heart?"

Yun Shishi sneered at her forehead. "I don't think you will pay attention to things other than work!"

Mujazhe snorted and showed his dissatisfaction.

He wouldn’t tell her that after he was ready to take a wedding photo, he had a lot of scenery in private. From Italy to Norway, from Paris to Prague, from Phuket to the Maldives, he struggled to shoot him. The ideal wedding photo.


The expectation of wedding photos is not only for women.

Men also have a lot of ideas.

The woman wearing a wedding dress is the most beautiful.

At the youngest and most beautiful age, wearing a holy wedding dress, became his wife.

As the years go by, the beautiful looks will eventually die.

The wedding is only one time for him, so he hopes to keep this happiest moment as a commemoration. After a few decades, they are white and green, and they are getting old. These happy moments become precious. Memories and commemorations.

Will treasure her best years forever.

This is probably the meaning of wedding photos! ?

(End of this chapter)

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