Chapter 2378 Do you want money, right? !

"Don't mess around, get the money on hand, people don't want to move any ideas! If things get too big, you and I can't eat and go! In case this woman is not small, how do you say?!"

Dongge is obviously an old river and lake. I know that some things will be bad.

After a pause, he suddenly snorted and shouted, "What can I do if the chain is not open? Can't get in!"

"A Dong, this room should have a skylight? It is not going to go in from the skylight."

When Meng Qingxue heard this, he suddenly looked at the window behind him. He was shocked and took a sip of cold. Because of the great fear, he hurriedly dropped his tears, and his breath suddenly rose.

The two men outside the door took turns to scream at her, and Meng Qingxue "ah--" was shocked and screamed.

"You... what are you doing?!?"

The two men groaned, and the one named Adong reacted at once. He smiled a few times and listened to the sound. It was close to the door and was obviously standing on the edge of the door. It turned out that it was early. Was awakened by their movements, afraid of hiding in the doorway, scared not to scream.

"Little sister, are you not sleeping?"

"What are you doing? What are you doing?!"

"Looking for you to play!" Adong said of course, "When are you coming back to the city? Or, we will take you to the nearby night market, brother, please have a barbecue!"

"No, I am going to sleep, don't bother me, OK?" Her almost pleading tone, no doubt, she is now frightened, and her psychological defense is on the verge of collapse.

Adong laughed and said, "I don't want to sleep??"

Unreasonable tone, Meng Qingxue frowned. "I am going to sleep!"

"What is good to sleep?! People are alive, you should sleep a little less, find more fun and fun, and you will sleep after you die!" Adong’s mouth sighed and sighed.

Meng Qingxue was rushing to collapse. She was stuck in the doorway and her voice trembled. "You don't do this... I am afraid... I am really scared... I just stayed here for one night, go early tomorrow morning! let me go?!"

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Another one called Acheng slowly and casually said, "We didn't want to hurt you, just to find you to play! People in Yucheng are warm and hospitable, since you came to Yucheng, nature I want to take you to the fun places in the city to play tricks!"

"I do not want!"

Meng Qingxue almost screamed, "You want money, right??"

Her clever intuition suddenly guessed their purpose.

The two men outside the door were first glimpsed, and then they said, "If you say this, it won't be boring! Since you have said it, it's just that the two brothers are short of money. Are you so rich, not as generous?"

"Hey, I lost more than 10,000 yuan tonight, little sister, if you borrow some money, I will fight again, win back and return it to you!"


Meng Qingxue’s face is pale and sinister. “The money... is very important to me!”

The money is reserved for her to raise a baby.

Her body is weak. When she is pregnant, she may not be able to find a job. Therefore, she needs a sum of money to support herself. When the child is born, nutrition, hospitalization, and many things need to be spent!

(End of this chapter)

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