Chapter 2381 Devil's Head


How was his luck so bad, even hit the devil head to sit, this is not in her hands!

When Chu’s face disappeared completely, he was faced with the gentleness of Meng Qingxue, and a dignified look. “Who is on duty? I ask you, you are honest.”

Adong smiled and smiled a little, and smiled a little bit. The hippie smiled and said, "This is not...what is it! Oh, we are not really moving, that is, we drank more alcohol last night, alcohol, so... but it scared her. It!"

Chu He impatiently "snapped" and immediately raised his foot and slammed at him, and took him to the ground.

I don't know where she came from such a big force. She can sweep a man one meter tall and eight feet to the ground!

Meng Qingxue was so scared that he couldn't believe it.

Just look at Adong’s painful snoring, and he listened to Chu’s faceless expression. “Frighten?! You are a big man, don’t do it, run to scare a girl?! You didn’t touch me, Otherwise, I will not disarm your arm!"

Adong hurriedly climbed up from the ground and looked sad and sad. "Sister Chu, it’s my bastard, it’s me wrong. You can do it if you want to do it! Just tap it. I...I don’t have a long brain, is I don't remember for a long time! I am wrong, I know it is wrong..."

Adong is so afraid of this Chu He, it is not without reason.

The last time, it was also because of the crime. The cause of the incident was that Adong stole the money of a widow’s small shop in the east of the city. The number was small, and it was thousands of dollars. But the thousands of dollars was the family’s More than a year's overhead.

The widow also took a child, and there were two old people. She lived in poverty. In order to maintain her life, she opened a fast food restaurant next to the factory in the east of the city to make a living.

The whole family's eating and wearing, all rely on this small shop.

In the early years, her husband went to work abroad, and Africa helped build the railway. As a result, he was infected with the disease and died. In the end, even the body could not be shipped back.

When the poor woman lost her husband, she had to eat her own food and run a fast food restaurant to earn a living.

After Chu Ho found this incident, after Detaining Adong, he smothered him.

In short, the start is very heavy.

Adong stole that money, not enough for him to heal.

Adong is very famous in the local area of ​​Yucheng. Of course, this fame is not a good reputation. It is notorious. It is a famous miscellaneous, no evil, no one is afraid to take him, and something is wrong. Dare to report to the police, for fear of his revenge.

He still has a lot of arrogant younger brothers, and because of this, he is very uncomfortable in the local area.

However, since Chu He took office, he has dealt with Adong several times. This long-lost little fool is completely planted in her hands!

This woman is incredible!

It is simply a female devil.

I did not think about retaliation. The key is that this woman’s character is not knowing where she came from. He took a group of brothers to encircle her and finally was beaten.

After she took office, she took the local law and order to a new level with her integrity.

Many of the veterans in the bureau were not convinced, so they also looked for her in private.

As a result, many of the male policemen who returned from the army were not her opponents at all.

This Chu He is an important female match. In addition, Meng Qingxue will finally fight with Song Enya!

(End of this chapter)

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